Constituting a tube; having hollow tubes (as for the passage of fluids)
Having the form of a tube, or pipe; consisting of a pipe; fistular;
Adjective S.
having hollow tubes (as for the passage of fluids)
Having the form of a tube, or pipe; consisting of a pipe;
fistular; as, a tubular snout; a tubular calyx. Also, containing, or
provided with, tubes.
Having the form of a tube, or pipe; consisting of a pipe; fistular;
Usage Examples
tubular, rtubular, 5tubular, 6tubular, ytubular, gtubular, rubular, 5ubular, 6ubular, yubular, gubular, trubular, t5ubular, t6ubular, tyubular, tgubular, tyubular, t7ubular, t8ubular, tiubular, tjubular, tybular, t7bular, t8bular, tibular, tjbular, tuybular, tu7bular, tu8bular, tuibular, tujbular, tuvbular, tugbular, tuhbular, tunbular, tu bular, tuvular, tugular, tuhular, tunular, tu ular, tubvular, tubgular, tubhular, tubnular, tub ular, tubyular, tub7ular, tub8ular, tubiular, tubjular, tubylar, tub7lar, tub8lar, tubilar, tubjlar, tubuylar, tubu7lar, tubu8lar, tubuilar, tubujlar, tubuklar, tubuolar, tubuplar, tubu:lar, tubukar, tubuoar, tubupar, tubu:ar, tubulkar, tubuloar, tubulpar, tubul:ar, tubulqar, tubulwar, tubulsar, tubulzar, tubulqr, tubulwr, tubulsr, tubulzr, tubulaqr, tubulawr, tubulasr, tubulazr, tubulaer, tubula4r, tubula5r, tubulatr, tubulafr, tubulae, tubula4, tubula5, tubulat, tubulaf, tubulare, tubular4, tubular5, tubulart, tubularf.