

Tread; footing.


imp. of Tread.

imp. of Tread.

Tread; footing.


Trode , archaic imp. of Tread.
On burnished hooves his war-horse trode.


Trode, n. [AS. trod, fr. tredan to tread. See Tread.] Tread; footing. [Written also troad.][Obs.] Spenser.

imp. of Tread.

Tread; footing.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

trode, rtrode, 5trode, 6trode, ytrode, gtrode, rrode, 5rode, 6rode, yrode, grode, trrode, t5rode, t6rode, tyrode, tgrode, terode, t4rode, t5rode, ttrode, tfrode, teode, t4ode, t5ode, ttode, tfode, treode, tr4ode, tr5ode, trtode, trfode, triode, tr9ode, tr0ode, trpode, trlode, tride, tr9de, tr0de, trpde, trlde, troide, tro9de, tro0de, tropde, trolde, trosde, troede, trofde, troxde, trocde, trose, troee, trofe, troxe, troce, trodse, trodee, trodfe, trodxe, trodce, trodwe, trod3e, trod4e, trodre, trodse, trodde, trodw, trod3, trod4, trodr, trods, trodd, trodew, trode3, trode4, troder, trodes, troded.


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