

The act of someone who picks up or takes something


Apt to take; alluring; attracting.

the act of someone who picks up or takes something; "the pickings were easy"; "clothing could be had for the taking"

Adjective S.
very attractive; capturing interest; "a fetching new hairstyle"; "something inexpressibly taking in his manner"; "a winning personality"

p. pr. & vb. n.
of Take

Apt to take; alluring; attracting.

Infectious; contageous.

The act of gaining possession; a seizing; seizure; apprehension.

Agitation; excitement; distress of mind.

Malign influence; infection.


Tak"ing , a. 1. Apt to take; alluring; attracting.
Subtile in making his temptations most taking.
2. Infectious; contageous. [Obs.] Beau. & Fl. -- Tak"ing*ly, adv. -- Tak"ing*ness, n.


Tak"ing, n. 1. The act of gaining possession; a seizing; seizure; apprehension. 2. Agitation; excitement; distress of mind. [Colloq.]
What a taking was he in, when your husband asked who was in the basket!
3. Malign influence; infection. [Obs.] Shak.

Apt to take; alluring; attracting.

The act of gaining possession; a seizing; seizure; apprehension.


Usage Examples

And it is very sexy as well: somebody says I'm taking you on a surprise date, you don't know where you are going and you can't see and then you put your hand out and there is a tiger. Amazing.

Acting is fantastic, but to be able to create a whole world on celluloid is amazing. It's like taking your dreams straight from your head and projecting them onto a screen.

A lot of women these days, a lot of young women don't want to call themselves feminists. You have this cheap, hideous 'girl power' sort of fad, which I think is pretty benign at best, but at worst, I think it's a way of taking the politics out of feminism and making it some kind of fashion.

A strategy is something like, an innovative new product globalization, taking your products around the world be the low-cost producer. A strategy is something you can touch you can motivate people with be number one and number two in every business. You can energize people around the message.

As you watch the world crumble, try taking your Armageddon with this sprinkling of irony: Over the last three decades, business has got virtually everything it wanted, and its doomsday scenario from the 1970s has come true because of it.

All of us have moments in our lives that test our courage. Taking children into a house with a white carpet is one of them.

A life lesson for me is, how do you muster the courage to take on a new risk? Whether it's starting up a business or taking on a new project or expedition. I think the risks that we take are all relative to the risk-taker.

Misspelled Form

taking, rtaking, 5taking, 6taking, ytaking, gtaking, raking, 5aking, 6aking, yaking, gaking, traking, t5aking, t6aking, tyaking, tgaking, tqaking, twaking, tsaking, tzaking, tqking, twking, tsking, tzking, taqking, tawking, tasking, tazking, tajking, taiking, taoking, talking, tamking, tajing, taiing, taoing, taling, taming, takjing, takiing, takoing, takling, takming, takuing, tak8ing, tak9ing, takoing, takjing, takking, takung, tak8ng, tak9ng, takong, takjng, takkng, takiung, taki8ng, taki9ng, takiong, takijng, takikng, takibng, takihng, takijng, takimng, taki ng, takibg, takihg, takijg, takimg, taki g, takinbg, takinhg, takinjg, takinmg, takin g, takinfg, takintg, takinyg, takinhg, takinbg, takinvg, takinf, takint, takiny, takinh, takinb, takinv, takingf, takingt, takingy, takingh, takingb, takingv.

Other Usage Examples

A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite.

And there's a visceral fun in watching Team America and making it, like taking a puppet and throwing it against the wall. Because it's not CG, there's something funny about it.

Adoptive parents are taking on enormous responsibility, both emotionally and financially. Quite frankly, they need as much disclosure as possible about the child's background and health to assure the best fit and be prepared.

Actors always talk about taking their work home and I always think: 'What are you on? You just turn it off. You are at work and then you go home.'

A majority, perhaps as many as 75 percent, of abortion clinics are in areas with high minority populations. Abortion apologists will say this is because they want to serve the poor. You don't serve the poor, however, by taking their money to terminate their children.

All three networks have always had a morning show but now cable of course is taking some of that audience away and a variety of other things, probably the Internet as well.

3D is quite a lot more advanced in animated movies for live-action movies we're just taking baby steps, we're just in the beginning.

And what's interesting about the hybrids taking off is you've now introduced electric motors to the automobile industry. It's the first radical change in automobile technology in 100 years.