

Social or financial or professional status or reputation


Remaining erect; not cut down; as, standing corn.

the act of assuming or maintaining an erect upright position

social or financial or professional status or reputation; "of equal standing"; "a member in good standing"

Adjective S.
not cut down; "standing timber"; "uncut trees"

(of persons) on the feet; having the torso in an erect position supported by straight legs; "standing room only"; "a standing ovation"

Adjective S.
permanent; "a standing army"


maintaining an erect position; "standing timber"; "many buildings were still standing"

p. pr. & vb. n.
of Stand

Remaining erect; not cut down; as, standing corn.

Not flowing; stagnant; as, standing water.

Not transitory; not liable to fade or vanish; lasting; as, a standing color.

Established by law, custom, or the like; settled; continually existing; permanent; not temporary; as, a standing army; legislative bodies have standing rules of proceeding and standing committees.

Not movable; fixed; as, a standing bed (distinguished from a trundle-bed).

The act of stopping, or coming to a stand; the state of being erect upon the feet; stand.

Maintenance of position; duration; duration or existence in the same place or condition; continuance; as, a custom of long standing; an officer of long standing.

Place to stand in; station; stand.

Condition in society; relative position; reputation; rank; as, a man of good standing, or of high standing.


Stand"ing, a. 1. Remaining erect; not cut down; as, standing corn. 2. Not flowing; stagnant; as, standing water. 3. Not transitory; not liable to fade or vanish; lasting; as, a standing color. 4. Established by law, custom, or the like; settled; continually existing; permanent; not temporary; as, a standing army; legislative bodies have standing rules of proceeding and standing committees. 5. Not movable; fixed; as, a standing bed (distinguished from a trundle-bed). Standing army. See Standing army, under Army. -- Standing bolt. See Stud bolt, under Stud, a stem. -- Standing committee, in legislative bodies, etc., a committee appointed for the consideration of all subjects of a particular class which shall arise during the session or a stated period. -- Standing cup, a tall goblet, with a foot and a cover. -- Standing finish (Arch.), that part of the interior fittings, esp. of a dwelling house, which is permanent and fixed in its place, as distinguished from doors, sashes, etc. -- Standing order (Eccl.), the denomination (Congregiational) established by law; -- a term formerly used in Connecticut. See also under Order. -- Standing part. (Naut.) (a) That part of a tackle which is made fast to a block, point, or other object. (b) That part of a rope around which turns are taken with the running part in making a knot of the like. -- Standing rigging (Naut.), the cordage or rope which sustain the masts and remain fixed in their position, as the shrouds and stays, -- distinguished from running rigging.


Stand"ing, n. 1. The act of stopping, or coming to a stand; the state of being erect upon the feet; stand. 2. Maintenance of position; duration; duration or existence in the same place or condition; continuance; as, a custom of long standing; an officer of long standing.
An ancient thing of long standing.
3. Place to stand in; station; stand.
I will provide you a good standing to see his entry.
I think in deep mire, where there is no standing.
4. Condition in society; relative position; reputation; rank; as, a man of good standing, or of high standing. Standing off (Naut.), sailing from the land. -- Standing on (Naut.), sailing toward land.

Remaining erect; not cut down; as, standing corn.

The act of stopping, or coming to a stand; the state of being erect upon the feet; stand.


Usage Examples

Age becomes reality when you hear someone refer to that attractive young woman standing next to the woman in the green dress, and you find that you're the one in the green dress.

A singer for me is more like someone who is standing alone with a microphone like Scott Walker, rather than someone who is bashing a plank and is spitting all over a microphone.

And we turned off and 30 miles south they're standing in the middle of our road blocking our way, stopped the car, got out, took us through the path in the woods, where the craft was on the ground.

But what I'd really like to tell you is I never dreamed of being in the Hall of Fame. Standing here with all these great players was beyond any of my dreams.

Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.

But instead of standing up for reason, our government is handing education over to the world of faith.

Education is the silver bullet to improve this Nation's standing worldwide... and our teachers know that.

And I thought that was the best way for me to participate, because standing in the crowd and listening is a fantastic education, but it's not my nature. I need to be involved. So I did that instead.

Misspelled Form

standing, astanding, wstanding, estanding, dstanding, xstanding, zstanding, atanding, wtanding, etanding, dtanding, xtanding, ztanding, satanding, swtanding, setanding, sdtanding, sxtanding, sztanding, srtanding, s5tanding, s6tanding, sytanding, sgtanding, sranding, s5anding, s6anding, syanding, sganding, stranding, st5anding, st6anding, styanding, stganding, stqanding, stwanding, stsanding, stzanding, stqnding, stwnding, stsnding, stznding, staqnding, stawnding, stasnding, staznding, stabnding, stahnding, stajnding, stamnding, sta nding, stabding, stahding, stajding, stamding, sta ding, stanbding, stanhding, stanjding, stanmding, stan ding, stansding, staneding, stanfding, stanxding, stancding, stansing, staneing, stanfing, stanxing, stancing, standsing, standeing, standfing, standxing, standcing, standuing, stand8ing, stand9ing, standoing, standjing, standking, standung, stand8ng, stand9ng, standong, standjng, standkng, standiung, standi8ng, standi9ng, standiong, standijng, standikng, standibng, standihng, standijng, standimng, standi ng, standibg, standihg, standijg, standimg, standi g, standinbg, standinhg, standinjg, standinmg, standin g, standinfg, standintg, standinyg, standinhg, standinbg, standinvg, standinf, standint, standiny, standinh, standinb, standinv, standingf, standingt, standingy, standingh, standingb, standingv.

Other Usage Examples

A few years ago you couldn't go from TV to film. It was like a 'no no' but I believe when you find a plan and purpose that God has for your life, there's not anything man can do to you. Especially when your faith is not really standing in the wisdom of man, you're really standing in the wisdom of God.

But the problem is that when I go around and speak on campuses, I still don't get young men standing up and saying, 'How can I combine career and family?'

All's the government should do is keep the taxes and regulations at a manageable rate, keep a decent standing army and get out of the way.

A Conservative is a fellow who is standing athwart history yelling 'Stop!'

'WASP' is the only ethnic term that is in fact a term of class, apart from redneck, which is another word for the same group but who are in the lower social strata, so it's inexplicably tied up with social standing and culture and history in a way that the other hyphenations just are not.

And Americans realized that native people are still here, that they have a moral standing, a legal standing.

And we can see the positive impacts right here at Solyndra. Less than a year ago, we were standing on what was an empty lot.But through the Recovery Act, this company received a loan to expand its operations. This new factory is the result of those loans.

Ask Elizabeth is a community of voices, it's not me standing on a podium telling people how to run their lives, it's girls helping each other sharing their wisdom and advice and I create a space for them to do it.

At school, there was an annual school disco and I'd be standing in my bedroom wondering what to wear for hours on end. Eventually I'd arrive at a decision that was just the most ridiculous costume you could have ever devised - I think it was probably knitted Christmas jumpers on top of buttoned-up white shirts.