

(used especially of clothes) marked by conspicuous display


Adjective S.
(used especially of clothes) marked by conspicuous display


Usage Examples

Within our culture, every school has a swimming pool. We lived on the coast. People swam in the surf. It's a very sporty nation and at that particular time anyone who had an artistic bent was very much an outsider. So if you liked reading or ideas or playing the piano then your dad viewed you as a sissy, basically.

Misspelled Form

sporty, asporty, wsporty, esporty, dsporty, xsporty, zsporty, aporty, wporty, eporty, dporty, xporty, zporty, saporty, swporty, seporty, sdporty, sxporty, szporty, soporty, s0porty, slporty, soorty, s0orty, slorty, spoorty, sp0orty, splorty, spiorty, sp9orty, sp0orty, spporty, splorty, spirty, sp9rty, sp0rty, spprty, splrty, spoirty, spo9rty, spo0rty, spoprty, spolrty, spoerty, spo4rty, spo5rty, spotrty, spofrty, spoety, spo4ty, spo5ty, spotty, spofty, sporety, spor4ty, spor5ty, sportty, sporfty, sporrty, spor5ty, spor6ty, sporyty, sporgty, sporry, spor5y, spor6y, sporyy, sporgy, sportry, sport5y, sport6y, sportyy, sportgy, sportty, sport6y, sport7y, sportuy, sporthy, sportt, sport6, sport7, sportu, sporth, sportyt, sporty6, sporty7, sportyu, sportyh.

Other Usage Examples

Sport was my absolute love. It was very sporty household. We had my - my brother and I both loved sports.


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