

In some degree; somewhat; to some extent; at some distance.


Anything unknown, undetermined, or not specifically designated; a certain indefinite thing; an indeterminate or unknown event; an unspecified task, work, or thing.

a thing of some kind; "is there something you want?"

Anything unknown, undetermined, or not specifically designated; a certain indefinite thing; an indeterminate or unknown event; an unspecified task, work, or thing.

A part; a portion, more or less; an indefinite quantity or degree; a little.

A person or thing importance.

In some degree; somewhat; to some extent; at some distance.


Some"thing , n. 1. Anything unknown, undetermined, or not specifically designated; a certain indefinite thing; an indeterminate or unknown event; an unspecified task, work, or thing.
There is something in the wind.
The whole world has something to do, something to talk of, something to wish for, and something to be employed about.
Something attemped, something done, Has earned a night's repose.
2. A part; a portion, more or less; an indefinite quantity or degree; a little.
Something yet of doubt remains.
Something of it arises from our infant state.
3. A person or thing importance.
If a man thinketh himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.


Some"thing, adv. In some degree; somewhat; to some exrent; at some distance. Shak.
I something fear my father's wrath.
We have something fairer play than a reasoner could have expected formerly.
My sense of touch is something coarse.
It must be done to-night, And something from the palace.

Anything unknown, undetermined, or not specifically designated; a certain indefinite thing; an indeterminate or unknown event; an unspecified task, work, or thing.

, adv. In some degree; somewhat; to some exrent; at some distance.


Usage Examples

A geek isn't the skinny kid with a pocket protector and acne. There can be computer geeks, video game geeks, car geeks, military geeks, and sports geeks. Being a geek just means that you're passionate about something.

A girl came up to me in a bar and said she wanted to be my apple pie. I wish I'd said something cool, but I was stunned.

'Ludacris' is something that I made up. It just kind of describes me. Sometimes I have like a split personality. Sometimes I'm cool, calm, and collected, and other times I'm beyond crazy.

'I Know You Care' is about my dad. And I haven't seen him for a long, long time. And my parents divorced when I was really young. And I guess I just wanted a - it was my way of saying that I wasn't bitter or angry anymore. I was just sad and just felt like something was missing.

A friend who dies, it's something of you who dies.

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.

A faith is something you die for, a doctrine is something you kill for. There is all the difference in the world.

'The Food Network' was just starting in New York, and I was getting lots of attention from Mesa Grill. They had no money, so if you couldn't get there by subway, you couldn't be on. It wasn't like TV was something I really wanted to do - but I knew it would be great publicity for my restaurants.

Misspelled Form

something, asomething, wsomething, esomething, dsomething, xsomething, zsomething, aomething, womething, eomething, domething, xomething, zomething, saomething, swomething, seomething, sdomething, sxomething, szomething, siomething, s9omething, s0omething, spomething, slomething, simething, s9mething, s0mething, spmething, slmething, soimething, so9mething, so0mething, sopmething, solmething, sonmething, sojmething, sokmething, so,mething, so mething, sonething, sojething, sokething, so,ething, so ething, somnething, somjething, somkething, som,ething, som ething, somwething, som3ething, som4ething, somrething, somsething, somdething, somwthing, som3thing, som4thing, somrthing, somsthing, somdthing, somewthing, some3thing, some4thing, somerthing, somesthing, somedthing, somerthing, some5thing, some6thing, someything, somegthing, somerhing, some5hing, some6hing, someyhing, someghing, sometrhing, somet5hing, somet6hing, sometyhing, sometghing, sometghing, sometyhing, sometuhing, sometjhing, sometnhing, sometging, sometying, sometuing, sometjing, sometning, somethging, somethying, somethuing, somethjing, somethning, somethuing, someth8ing, someth9ing, somethoing, somethjing, somethking, somethung, someth8ng, someth9ng, somethong, somethjng, somethkng, somethiung, somethi8ng, somethi9ng, somethiong, somethijng, somethikng, somethibng, somethihng, somethijng, somethimng, somethi ng, somethibg, somethihg, somethijg, somethimg, somethi g, somethinbg, somethinhg, somethinjg, somethinmg, somethin g, somethinfg, somethintg, somethinyg, somethinhg, somethinbg, somethinvg, somethinf, somethint, somethiny, somethinh, somethinb, somethinv, somethingf, somethingt, somethingy, somethingh, somethingb, somethingv.

Other Usage Examples

A film that I love is 'Raising Arizona' and that's funny but it's quite indie and weird and odd and quirky. I'd love to do something like that. Who knows?

A good listener is usually thinking about something else.

A good artist should be isolated. If he isn't isolated, something is wrong.

A great tennis career is something that a 15-year-old normally doesn't have. I hope my example helps other teens believe they can accomplish things they never thought possible.

A compliment is something like a kiss through a veil.

A child is owed the greatest respect if you have ever have something disgraceful in mind, don't ignore your son's tender years.

'Vegas' was something very close to me. I had such a blast doing that. I'm still a little upset that we never really got to shoot that final episode. So many people were invested in it. I'll always be sad about that.

'Swan Lake' is the most difficult thing to portray for a female ballet dancer it really requires such specific qualities of articulation, agility, strength, and the arm work is something that takes a lot of training.

A big part of being in a wedding is the financial obligation, and that's something that people don't really talk about, but if you're asked to be in a wedding, you're gonna have to fork over some cash.


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