

A slipper is a kind of indoor shoe that slips easily on and off your foot. You may prefer to walk around barefoot unless it's really cold, in which case you wear slippers.


One who, or that which, slips.

low footwear that can be slipped on and off easily; usually worn indoors

a person who slips or slides because of loss of traction

One who, or that which, slips.

A kind of light shoe, which may be slipped on with ease, and worn in undress; a slipshoe.

A kind of apron or pinafore for children.

A kind of brake or shoe for a wagon wheel.

A piece, usually a plate, applied to a sliding piece, to receive wear and afford a means of adjustment; -- also called shoe, and gib.



Slip"per , n. 1. One who, or that which, slips. 2. A kind of light shoe, which may be slipped on with ease, and worn in undress; a slipshoe. 3. A kind of apron or pinafore for children. 4. A kind of brake or shoe for a wagon wheel. 5. (Mach.) A piece, usually a plate, applied to a sliding piece, to receive wear and afford a means of adjustment; -- also called shoe, and gib. Slipper animalcule (Zo'94l.), a ciliated infusorian of the genus Paramecium. -- Slipper flower.(Bot.) Slipperwort. -- Slipper limpet, ∨ Slipper shell (Zo'94l.), a boat shell.


Slip"per, a. [AS. slipur.] Slippery. [Obs.]
O! trustless state of earthly things, and slipper hope Of mortal men.

One who, or that which, slips.



Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

slipper, aslipper, wslipper, eslipper, dslipper, xslipper, zslipper, alipper, wlipper, elipper, dlipper, xlipper, zlipper, salipper, swlipper, selipper, sdlipper, sxlipper, szlipper, sklipper, solipper, splipper, s:lipper, skipper, soipper, spipper, s:ipper, slkipper, sloipper, slpipper, sl:ipper, sluipper, sl8ipper, sl9ipper, sloipper, sljipper, slkipper, slupper, sl8pper, sl9pper, slopper, sljpper, slkpper, sliupper, sli8pper, sli9pper, sliopper, slijpper, slikpper, sliopper, sli0pper, slilpper, slioper, sli0per, slilper, slipoper, slip0per, sliplper, slipoper, slip0per, sliplper, slipoer, slip0er, slipler, slippoer, slipp0er, slippler, slippwer, slipp3er, slipp4er, slipprer, slippser, slippder, slippwr, slipp3r, slipp4r, slipprr, slippsr, slippdr, slippewr, slippe3r, slippe4r, slipperr, slippesr, slippedr, slippeer, slippe4r, slippe5r, slippetr, slippefr, slippee, slippe4, slippe5, slippet, slippef, slippere, slipper4, slipper5, slippert, slipperf.