

A sketch is a rough or brief outline of something. If you hand in a sketch, instead of your full paper, don't expect to get a very high grade!


An outline or general delineation of anything; a first rough or incomplete draught or plan of any design; especially, in the fine arts, such a representation of an object or scene as serves the artist's purpose by recording its chief features; also, a preliminary study for an original work.

preliminary drawing for later elaboration; "he made several studies before starting to paint"

short descriptive summary (of events)

a humorous or satirical drawing published in a newspaper or magazine

a brief literary description

describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of; "sketch the outline of the book"; "outline his ideas"


make a sketch of; "sketch the building"

An outline or general delineation of anything; a first rough or incomplete draught or plan of any design; especially, in the fine arts, such a representation of an object or scene as serves the artist's purpose by recording its chief features; also, a preliminary study for an original work.

To draw the outline or chief features of; to make a rought of.

To plan or describe by giving the principal points or ideas of.

v. i.
To make sketches, as of landscapes.


Sketch , n. [D. schets, fr. It. schizzo a sketch, a splash (whence also F. esquisse; cf. Esquisse.); cf. It. schizzare to splash, to sketch.] An outline or general delineation of anything; a first rough or incomplete draught or plan of any design; especially, in the fine arts, such a representation of an object or scene as serves the artist's purpose by recording its chief features; also, a preliminary study for an original work. Syn. -- Outline; delineation; draught; plan; design. -- Sketch, Outline, Delineation. An outline gives only the bounding lines of some scene or picture. A sketch fills up the outline in part, giving broad touches, by which an imperfect idea may be conveyed. A delineation goes further, carrying out the more striking features of the picture, and going so much into detail as to furnish a clear conception of the whole. Figuratively, we may speak of the outlines of a plan, of a work, of a project, etc., which serve as a basis on which the subordinate parts are formed, or of sketches of countries, characters, manners, etc., which give us a general idea of the things described. Crabb.


Sketch, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Sketched ; p. pr. & vb. n. Sketching.] [Cf D. schetsen, It. schizzare. See Sketch, n.] 1. To draw the outline or chief features of; to make a rought of. 2. To plan or describe by giving the principal points or ideas of. Syn. -- To delineate; design; draught; depict.


Sketch, v. i. To make sketches, as of landscapes.

An outline or general delineation of anything; a first rough or incomplete draught or plan of any design; especially, in the fine arts, such a representation of an object or scene as serves the artist's purpose by recording its chief features; also, a preliminary study for an original work.

To draw the outline or chief features of; to make a rought of.

To make sketches, as of landscapes.


Usage Examples

And the first rude sketch that the world had seen was joy to his mighty heart, till the Devil whispered behind the leaves 'It's pretty, but is it Art?'

I think the great sketch shows, like 'Python' and 'Mr. Show,' they didn't stick around for very long. There's something kind of cool about that.

The thing about stand-up was, I was doing all this sketch and YouTube stuff where I was not being censored and I got to do my own thing, and it was really cool.

My gut feeling about sequels is that they should be premeditated: You should try to write a trilogy first or at least sketch out a trilogy if you have any faith in your film.

Misspelled Form

sketch, asketch, wsketch, esketch, dsketch, xsketch, zsketch, aketch, wketch, eketch, dketch, xketch, zketch, saketch, swketch, seketch, sdketch, sxketch, szketch, sjketch, siketch, soketch, slketch, smketch, sjetch, sietch, soetch, sletch, smetch, skjetch, skietch, skoetch, skletch, skmetch, skwetch, sk3etch, sk4etch, skretch, sksetch, skdetch, skwtch, sk3tch, sk4tch, skrtch, skstch, skdtch, skewtch, ske3tch, ske4tch, skertch, skestch, skedtch, skertch, ske5tch, ske6tch, skeytch, skegtch, skerch, ske5ch, ske6ch, skeych, skegch, sketrch, sket5ch, sket6ch, sketych, sketgch, sketxch, sketdch, sketfch, sketvch, sket ch, sketxh, sketdh, sketfh, sketvh, sket h, sketcxh, sketcdh, sketcfh, sketcvh, sketc h, sketcgh, sketcyh, sketcuh, sketcjh, sketcnh, sketcg, sketcy, sketcu, sketcj, sketcn, sketchg, sketchy, sketchu, sketchj, sketchn.

Other Usage Examples

Almost every college playwright or sketch or improv comedian was sort of aware of Christopher Durang - even kids in high school. His short plays were so accessible to younger people and I think that was inspirational to me.

My mom would take me to restaurants, and the first thing I'd ask for would be a pen and a napkin, and I'd sketch shoes and shoes and shoes.

Sometimes, I sit down to sketch at the unearthly hour of 3 in the morning!

Well, I get my subject on Wednesday night I think it out carefully on Thursday, and make my rough sketch on Friday morning I begin, and stick to it all day, with my nose well down on the block.

I never travel without my sketch book.