

Dutch astronomer who calculated the size of the universe and suggested that it is expanding (1872 1934)


One who sits; esp., one who sits for a portrait or a bust.

a domestic hen ready to brood

a person who poses for a painter or sculptor

a person engaged to care for children when the parents are not home

an organism (person or animal) that sits

Dutch astronomer who calculated the size of the universe and suggested that it is expanding (1872-1934)


One who sits; esp., one who sits for a portrait or a bust.

A bird that sits or incubates.


Sit"ter , n. 1. One who sits; esp., one who sits for a portrait or a bust. 2. A bird that sits or incubates.

One who sits; esp., one who sits for a portrait or a bust.


Usage Examples

My job requires me to put on a little dress and run around the streets of New York in heels. But I also had the financial means to hire a yoga teacher to come to my house while my sitter watched the newborn. For 95 percent of the world, that's not realistic.

Misspelled Form

sitter, asitter, wsitter, esitter, dsitter, xsitter, zsitter, aitter, witter, eitter, ditter, xitter, zitter, saitter, switter, seitter, sditter, sxitter, szitter, suitter, s8itter, s9itter, soitter, sjitter, skitter, sutter, s8tter, s9tter, sotter, sjtter, sktter, siutter, si8tter, si9tter, siotter, sijtter, siktter, sirtter, si5tter, si6tter, siytter, sigtter, sirter, si5ter, si6ter, siyter, sigter, sitrter, sit5ter, sit6ter, sityter, sitgter, sitrter, sit5ter, sit6ter, sityter, sitgter, sitrer, sit5er, sit6er, sityer, sitger, sittrer, sitt5er, sitt6er, sittyer, sittger, sittwer, sitt3er, sitt4er, sittrer, sittser, sittder, sittwr, sitt3r, sitt4r, sittrr, sittsr, sittdr, sittewr, sitte3r, sitte4r, sitterr, sittesr, sittedr, sitteer, sitte4r, sitte5r, sittetr, sittefr, sittee, sitte4, sitte5, sittet, sittef, sittere, sitter4, sitter5, sittert, sitterf.

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