

A faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near Phoenix and Cetus


One who sculptures; one whose occupation is to carve statues, or works of sculpture.

a faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near Phoenix and Cetus

an artist who creates sculptures

One who sculptures; one whose occupation is to carve statues, or works of sculpture.

Hence, an artist who designs works of sculpture, his first studies and his finished model being usually in a plastic material, from which model the marble is cut, or the bronze is cast.


Sculp"tor , n. [L. sculptor, fr. sculpere, sculptum, to carve; cf. scalpere to cut, carve, scratch, and Gr. to carve: cf. F. sculpteur.] 1. One who sculptures; one whose occupation is to carve statues, or works of sculpture. 2. Hence, an artist who designs works of sculpture, his first studies and his finished model being usually in a plastic material, from which model the marble is cut, or the bronze is cast.

One who sculptures; one whose occupation is to carve statues, or works of sculpture.


Usage Examples

So what we have tried to do in our later buildings is to try to be completely consistent, as a painter is consistent or as a sculptor is consistent. Architecture also must be very consistent.

The sculptor produces the beautiful statue by chipping away such parts of the marble block as are not needed - it is a process of elimination.

A sculptor is a person who is interested in the shape of things, a poet in words, a musician by sounds.

Misspelled Form

sculptor, asculptor, wsculptor, esculptor, dsculptor, xsculptor, zsculptor, aculptor, wculptor, eculptor, dculptor, xculptor, zculptor, saculptor, swculptor, seculptor, sdculptor, sxculptor, szculptor, sxculptor, sdculptor, sfculptor, svculptor, s culptor, sxulptor, sdulptor, sfulptor, svulptor, s ulptor, scxulptor, scdulptor, scfulptor, scvulptor, sc ulptor, scyulptor, sc7ulptor, sc8ulptor, sciulptor, scjulptor, scylptor, sc7lptor, sc8lptor, scilptor, scjlptor, scuylptor, scu7lptor, scu8lptor, scuilptor, scujlptor, scuklptor, scuolptor, scuplptor, scu:lptor, scukptor, scuoptor, scupptor, scu:ptor, sculkptor, sculoptor, sculpptor, scul:ptor, sculoptor, scul0ptor, scullptor, sculotor, scul0tor, sculltor, sculpotor, sculp0tor, sculpltor, sculprtor, sculp5tor, sculp6tor, sculpytor, sculpgtor, sculpror, sculp5or, sculp6or, sculpyor, sculpgor, sculptror, sculpt5or, sculpt6or, sculptyor, sculptgor, sculptior, sculpt9or, sculpt0or, sculptpor, sculptlor, sculptir, sculpt9r, sculpt0r, sculptpr, sculptlr, sculptoir, sculpto9r, sculpto0r, sculptopr, sculptolr, sculptoer, sculpto4r, sculpto5r, sculptotr, sculptofr, sculptoe, sculpto4, sculpto5, sculptot, sculptof, sculptore, sculptor4, sculptor5, sculptort, sculptorf.

Other Usage Examples

It is a mistake for a sculptor or a painter to speak or write very often about his job. It releases tension needed for his work.

A sculptor wields The chisel, and the stricken marble grows To beauty.

No person who is not a great sculptor or painter can be an architect. If he is not a sculptor or painter, he can only be a builder.