Use the adjective revealing to describe disclosing something that was hidden, either literally or figuratively. If you ask people if they've ever cheated on a test, you may get revealing answers that tell you whether the person is honest or not.
the speech act of making something evident
Adjective S.
disclosing unintentionally; "a telling smile"; "a telltale panel of lights"; "a telltale patch of oil on the water marked where the boat went down"
showing or making known; "her dress was scanty and revealing"
p. pr. & vb. n.
of Reveal
Usage Examples
I think the Mother is gradually revealing itself to me and taking over. But it is not the Mother alone. It is the Mother and the Father, the male and the female, sort of gradually having their marriage.
Almost all institutions own a lot more art than they can ever show, much of it revealing for its timeliness, genius, or sheer weirdness.
Poetry is something to make us wiser and better, by continually revealing those types of beauty and truth, which God has set in all men's souls.
I think Whitman more than any other poet possessed the gift of revealing to others the beauty of everything around us, the beauty of nature, the beauty of human beings.
Whenever somebody says they need an angle for their story I always fear that they've got an idea and they want me to fit into it or they want me to come up with an idea myself or I'm supposed to be more revealing than I've been, and to me it just sounds like something I don't want to do.
Misspelled Formrevealing, erevealing, 4revealing, 5revealing, trevealing, frevealing, eevealing, 4evealing, 5evealing, tevealing, fevealing, reevealing, r4evealing, r5evealing, rtevealing, rfevealing, rwevealing, r3evealing, r4evealing, rrevealing, rsevealing, rdevealing, rwvealing, r3vealing, r4vealing, rrvealing, rsvealing, rdvealing, rewvealing, re3vealing, re4vealing, rervealing, resvealing, redvealing, recvealing, refvealing, regvealing, rebvealing, re vealing, recealing, refealing, regealing, rebealing, re ealing, revcealing, revfealing, revgealing, revbealing, rev ealing, revwealing, rev3ealing, rev4ealing, revrealing, revsealing, revdealing, revwaling, rev3aling, rev4aling, revraling, revsaling, revdaling, revewaling, reve3aling, reve4aling, reveraling, revesaling, revedaling, reveqaling, revewaling, revesaling, revezaling, reveqling, revewling, revesling, revezling, reveaqling, reveawling, reveasling, reveazling, reveakling, reveaoling, reveapling, revea:ling, reveaking, reveaoing, reveaping, revea:ing, revealking, revealoing, revealping, reveal:ing, revealuing, reveal8ing, reveal9ing, revealoing, revealjing, revealking, revealung, reveal8ng, reveal9ng, revealong, revealjng, revealkng, revealiung, reveali8ng, reveali9ng, revealiong, revealijng, revealikng, revealibng, revealihng, revealijng, revealimng, reveali ng, revealibg, revealihg, revealijg, revealimg, reveali g, revealinbg, revealinhg, revealinjg, revealinmg, revealin g, revealinfg, revealintg, revealinyg, revealinhg, revealinbg, revealinvg, revealinf, revealint, revealiny, revealinh, revealinb, revealinv, revealingf, revealingt, revealingy, revealingh, revealingb, revealingv.
Other Usage ExamplesThe wit makes fun of other persons the satirist makes fun of the world the humorist makes fun of himself, but in so doing, he identifies himself with people - that is, people everywhere, not for the purpose of taking them apart, but simply revealing their true nature.
It's as if I were collaborating with myself, revealing my relationship to the material. My hand would make the drawing. Then my mouth would transmit it.
Although a lot of pain for a little screen time Shaving legs, waxing eyebrows, high heels, trying to put on a bra, losing weight because women's clothes are SO revealing - Ladies you have my respect.
Over the course of time this gave us a deep respect for ideas, both our own and those of others, and an understanding that conflict through debate is a powerful means of revealing truth.
What I'd really like to write is a romantic comedy. This is my favorite kind of movie. I feel almost embarrassed revealing this, because the genre has been so degraded in the past twenty years that saying you like romantic comedies is essentially an admission of mild stupidity.