

A sharp explosive sound as from a gunshot or drawing a cork


a. & n. from Pop.

a sharp explosive sound as from a gunshot or drawing a cork

p. pr. & vb. n.
of Pop

a. & n. from Pop.


Pop"ping , a. & n. from Pop. Popping crease. (Cricket) See under Crease.

a. & n. from Pop.


Usage Examples

It's so funny when you're actually directing because things start popping that you don't expect to pop, and something that you think is going to pop, maybe doesn't quite have the impetus that you thought it might.

Misspelled Form

popping, opopping, 0popping, lpopping, oopping, 0opping, lopping, poopping, p0opping, plopping, piopping, p9opping, p0opping, ppopping, plopping, pipping, p9pping, p0pping, pppping, plpping, poipping, po9pping, po0pping, poppping, polpping, poopping, po0pping, polpping, pooping, po0ping, polping, popoping, pop0ping, poplping, popoping, pop0ping, poplping, popoing, pop0ing, popling, poppoing, popp0ing, poppling, poppuing, popp8ing, popp9ing, poppoing, poppjing, poppking, poppung, popp8ng, popp9ng, poppong, poppjng, poppkng, poppiung, poppi8ng, poppi9ng, poppiong, poppijng, poppikng, poppibng, poppihng, poppijng, poppimng, poppi ng, poppibg, poppihg, poppijg, poppimg, poppi g, poppinbg, poppinhg, poppinjg, poppinmg, poppin g, poppinfg, poppintg, poppinyg, poppinhg, poppinbg, poppinvg, poppinf, poppint, poppiny, poppinh, poppinb, poppinv, poppingf, poppingt, poppingy, poppingh, poppingb, poppingv.

Other Usage Examples

I'd kiss a frog even if there was no promise of a Prince Charming popping out of it. I love frogs.