

Manifestation; token; portent.


Appearance; air; mien.

Appearance; air; mien.

Manifestation; token; portent.


Os"tent , n. [L. ostentus, ostentum, fr. ostendere (p. p. ostensus and ostentus) to show. See Ostensible.] 1. Appearance; air; mien. Shak. 2. Manifestation; token; portent. Dryden.
We asked of God that some ostent might clear Our cloudy business, who gave us sign.

Appearance; air; mien.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

ostent, iostent, 9ostent, 0ostent, postent, lostent, istent, 9stent, 0stent, pstent, lstent, oistent, o9stent, o0stent, opstent, olstent, oastent, owstent, oestent, odstent, oxstent, ozstent, oatent, owtent, oetent, odtent, oxtent, oztent, osatent, oswtent, osetent, osdtent, osxtent, osztent, osrtent, os5tent, os6tent, osytent, osgtent, osrent, os5ent, os6ent, osyent, osgent, ostrent, ost5ent, ost6ent, ostyent, ostgent, ostwent, ost3ent, ost4ent, ostrent, ostsent, ostdent, ostwnt, ost3nt, ost4nt, ostrnt, ostsnt, ostdnt, ostewnt, oste3nt, oste4nt, osternt, ostesnt, ostednt, ostebnt, ostehnt, ostejnt, ostemnt, oste nt, ostebt, osteht, ostejt, ostemt, oste t, ostenbt, ostenht, ostenjt, ostenmt, osten t, ostenrt, osten5t, osten6t, ostenyt, ostengt, ostenr, osten5, osten6, osteny, osteng, ostentr, ostent5, ostent6, ostenty, ostentg.


Browse Dictionary