

Ascribed to Orpheus or characteristic of ideas in works ascribed to Orpheus


Pertaining to Orpheus; Orphean; as, Orphic hymns.

Adjective S.
having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding; "mysterious symbols"; "the mystical style of Blake"; "occult lore"; "the secret learning of the ancients"

ascribed to Orpheus or characteristic of ideas in works ascribed to Orpheus

Pertaining to Orpheus; Orphean; as, Orphic hymns.


Or"phic , a. [L. Orphicus, Gr. .] Pertaining to Orpheus; Orphean; as, Orphic hymns.

Pertaining to Orpheus; Orphean; as, Orphic hymns.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

orphic, iorphic, 9orphic, 0orphic, porphic, lorphic, irphic, 9rphic, 0rphic, prphic, lrphic, oirphic, o9rphic, o0rphic, oprphic, olrphic, oerphic, o4rphic, o5rphic, otrphic, ofrphic, oephic, o4phic, o5phic, otphic, ofphic, orephic, or4phic, or5phic, ortphic, orfphic, orophic, or0phic, orlphic, orohic, or0hic, orlhic, orpohic, orp0hic, orplhic, orpghic, orpyhic, orpuhic, orpjhic, orpnhic, orpgic, orpyic, orpuic, orpjic, orpnic, orphgic, orphyic, orphuic, orphjic, orphnic, orphuic, orph8ic, orph9ic, orphoic, orphjic, orphkic, orphuc, orph8c, orph9c, orphoc, orphjc, orphkc, orphiuc, orphi8c, orphi9c, orphioc, orphijc, orphikc, orphixc, orphidc, orphifc, orphivc, orphi c, orphix, orphid, orphif, orphiv, orphi , orphicx, orphicd, orphicf, orphicv, orphic .


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