

Water soaked soil; soft wet earth


Earth and water mixed so as to be soft and adhesive.

slanderous remarks or charges

water soaked soil; soft wet earth

plaster with mud

soil with mud, muck, or mire; "The child mucked up his shirt while playing ball in the garden"

Earth and water mixed so as to be soft and adhesive.

v. t.
To bury in mud.

v. t.
To make muddy or turbid.


Mud , n. [Akin to LG. mudde, D. modder, G. moder mold, OSw. modd mud, Sw. modder mother, Dan. mudder mud. Cf. Mother a scum on liquors.] Earth and water mixed so as to be soft and adhesive. Mud bass (Zo'94l.), a fresh-water fish (Acantharchum pomotis) of the Eastern United States. It produces a deep grunting note. -- Mud bath, an immersion of the body, or some part of it, in mud charged with medicinal agents, as a remedy for disease. -- Mud boat, a large flatboat used in deredging. -- Mud cat. See Catfish. -- Mud crab (Zo'94l.), any one of several American marine crabs of the genus Panopeus. -- Mud dab (Zo'94l.), the winter flounder. See Flounder, and Dab. -- Mud dauber (Zo'94l.), a mud wasp. -- Mud devil (Zo'94l.), the fellbender. -- Mud drum (Steam Boilers), a drum beneath a boiler, into which sediment and mud in the water can settle for removal. -- Mud eel (Zo'94l.), a long, slender, aquatic amphibian (Siren lacertina), found in the Southern United States. It has persistent external gills and only the anterior pair of legs. See Siren. -- Mud frog (Zo'94l.), a European frog (Pelobates fuscus). -- Mud hen. (Zo'94l.) (a) The American coot (Fulica Americana). (b) The clapper rail. -- Mud lark, a person who cleans sewers, or delves in mud. [Slang] -- Mud minnow (Zo'94l.), any small American fresh-water fish of the genus Umbra, as U. limi. The genus is allied to the pickerels. -- Mud plug, a plug for stopping the mudhole of a boiler. -- Mud puppy (Zo'94l.), the menobranchus. -- Mud scow, a heavy scow, used in dredging; a mud boat. [U.S.] -- Mud turtle, Mud tortoise (Zo'94l.), any one of numerous species of fresh-water tortoises of the United States. -- Mud wasp (Zo'94l.), any one of numerous species of hymenopterous insects belonging to Pep'91us, and allied genera, which construct groups of mud cells, attached, side by side, to stones or to the woodwork of buildings, etc. The female places an egg in each cell, together with spiders or other insects, paralyzed by a sting, to serve as food for the larva. Called also mud dauber.


Mud, v. t. 1. To bury in mud. [R.] Shak. 2. To make muddy or turbid. Shak.

Earth and water mixed so as to be soft and adhesive.

To bury in mud.


Usage Examples

We grew up founding our dreams on the infinite promise of American advertising. I still believe that one can learn to play the piano by mail and that mud will give you a perfect complexion.

The wretch who lives without freedom feels like dressing in the mud from the streets Those who have you, o Liberty, do not know. you. Those who do not have you should not speak of you, but win you.

Congratulations, you have a sense of humor. And to those who didn't: Go stick your head in the mud.

The reason why men do not obey us, is because they see the mud at the bottom of our eye.

Misspelled Form

mud, nmud, jmud, kmud, ,mud, mud, nud, jud, kud, ,ud, ud, mnud, mjud, mkud, m,ud, m ud, myud, m7ud, m8ud, miud, mjud, myd, m7d, m8d, mid, mjd, muyd, mu7d, mu8d, muid, mujd, musd, mued, mufd, muxd, mucd, mus, mue, muf, mux, muc, muds, mude, mudf, mudx, mudc.

Other Usage Examples

I had been found in a mud puddle at 4:30 in the morning.

War has rules, mud wrestling has rules - politics has no rules.

This has always been the way of presidential politics. The president rises above the fray while his surrogates go on the attack. They throw the spears and fling the mud he sits upon the throne.

I could have ended the war in a month. I could have made North Vietnam look like a mud puddle.