

A meteor is a space rock that hits the atmosphere of the Earth. It's also another word for a shooting star.


Any phenomenon or appearance in the atmosphere, as clouds, rain, hail, snow, etc.

(astronomy) any of the small solid extraterrestrial bodies that hits the earth''s atmosphere

a streak of light in the sky at night that results when a meteoroid hits the earth''s atmosphere and air friction causes the meteoroid to melt or vaporize or explode

Any phenomenon or appearance in the atmosphere, as clouds, rain, hail, snow, etc.

Specif.: A transient luminous body or appearance seen in the atmosphere, or in a more elevated region.


Me"te*or , n. [F. m'82t'82ore, Gr. , pl. things in the air, fr. high in air, raised off the ground; beyond + , , a suspension or hovering in the air, fr. to lift, raise up.] 1. Any phenomenon or appearance in the atmosphere, as clouds, rain, hail, snow, etc.
Hail, an ordinary meteor.
2. Specif.: A transient luminous body or appearance seen in the atmosphere, or in a more elevated region.
The vaulty top of heaven Figured quite o'er with burning meteors.
&hand; The term is especially applied to fireballs, and the masses of stone or other substances which sometimes fall to the earth; also to shooting stars and to ignes fatui. Meteors are often classed as: aerial meteors, winds, tornadoes, etc.; aqueous meteors, rain, hail, snow, dew, etc.; luminous meteors, rainbows, halos, etc.; and igneous meteors, lightning, shooting stars, and the like.

Any phenomenon or appearance in the atmosphere, as clouds, rain, hail, snow, etc.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

meteor, nmeteor, jmeteor, kmeteor, ,meteor, meteor, neteor, jeteor, keteor, ,eteor, eteor, mneteor, mjeteor, mketeor, m,eteor, m eteor, mweteor, m3eteor, m4eteor, mreteor, mseteor, mdeteor, mwteor, m3teor, m4teor, mrteor, msteor, mdteor, mewteor, me3teor, me4teor, merteor, mesteor, medteor, merteor, me5teor, me6teor, meyteor, megteor, mereor, me5eor, me6eor, meyeor, megeor, metreor, met5eor, met6eor, metyeor, metgeor, metweor, met3eor, met4eor, metreor, metseor, metdeor, metwor, met3or, met4or, metror, metsor, metdor, metewor, mete3or, mete4or, meteror, metesor, metedor, meteior, mete9or, mete0or, metepor, metelor, meteir, mete9r, mete0r, metepr, metelr, meteoir, meteo9r, meteo0r, meteopr, meteolr, meteoer, meteo4r, meteo5r, meteotr, meteofr, meteoe, meteo4, meteo5, meteot, meteof, meteore, meteor4, meteor5, meteort, meteorf.


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