

A fit of lunacy or madness; a period of frenzy; a crazy or unreasonable freak.


Anything in the shape of a half moon.

Anything in the shape of a half moon.

A figure in the form of a crescent, bounded by two intersecting arcs of circles.

A fit of lunacy or madness; a period of frenzy; a crazy or unreasonable freak.


Lune , n. [L. luna moon: cf. F. lune. See Luna.] 1. Anything in the shape of a half moon. [R.] 2. (Geom.) A figure in the form of a crescent, bounded by two intersecting arcs of circles. 3. A fit of lunacy or madness; a period of frenzy; a crazy or unreasonable freak. [Obs.]
These dangerous, unsafe lunes i' the king.

Anything in the shape of a half moon.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

lune, klune, olune, plune, :lune, kune, oune, pune, :une, lkune, loune, lpune, l:une, lyune, l7une, l8une, liune, ljune, lyne, l7ne, l8ne, line, ljne, luyne, lu7ne, lu8ne, luine, lujne, lubne, luhne, lujne, lumne, lu ne, lube, luhe, luje, lume, lu e, lunbe, lunhe, lunje, lunme, lun e, lunwe, lun3e, lun4e, lunre, lunse, lunde, lunw, lun3, lun4, lunr, luns, lund, lunew, lune3, lune4, luner, lunes, luned.


Browse Dictionary