United States sculptor and architect whose public works include the memorial to veterans of the Vietnam War in Washington (born in 1959)
To yield; to stop; to cease.
United States sculptor and architect whose public works include the memorial to veterans of the Vietnam War in Washington (born in 1959)
v. i.
To yield; to stop; to cease.
v. t.
To cease from.
A pool or collection of water, particularly one above or below
a fall of water.
A waterfall, or cataract; as, a roaring lin.
A steep ravine.
To yield; to stop; to cease.
A pool or collection of water, particularly one above or below a fall of water.
Usage Examples
lines, klines, olines, plines, :lines, kines, oines, pines, :ines, lkines, loines, lpines, l:ines, luines, l8ines, l9ines, loines, ljines, lkines, lunes, l8nes, l9nes, lones, ljnes, lknes, liunes, li8nes, li9nes, liones, lijnes, liknes, libnes, lihnes, lijnes, limnes, li nes, libes, lihes, lijes, limes, li es, linbes, linhes, linjes, linmes, lin es, linwes, lin3es, lin4es, linres, linses, lindes, linws, lin3s, lin4s, linrs, linss, linds, linews, line3s, line4s, liners, liness, lineds, lineas, linews, linees, lineds, linexs, linezs, linea, linew, linee, lined, linex, linez, linesa, linesw, linese, linesd, linesx, linesz.