An introduction refers to a beginning maybe presenting someone new to a group, or inserting a new idea into a project. In a piece of writing, the introduction makes clear to the reader the text's purpose.
The act of introducing, or bringing to notice.
the act of beginning something new; "they looked forward to the debut of their new product line"
the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new; "she looked forward to her initiation as an adult"; "the foundation of a new scientific society"; "he regards the fork as a modern introduction"
the act of putting one thing into another
the first section of a communication
a basic or elementary instructional text
a new proposal; "they resisted the introduction of impractical alternatives"
formally making a person known to another or to the public
The act of introducing, or bringing to notice.
The act of formally making persons known to each
other; a presentation or making known of one person to another by name;
as, the introduction of one stranger to another.
That part of a book or discourse which introduces or
leads the way to the main subject, or part; preliminary; matter;
preface; proem; exordium.
A formal and elaborate preliminary treatise;
specifically, a treatise introductory to other treatises, or to a
course of study; a guide; as, an introduction to English literature.
The act of introducing, or bringing to notice.
Usage Examples
My objection to Liberalism is this that it is the introduction into the practical business of life of the highest kind namely, politics of philosophical ideas instead of political principles.
Toy Soldiers was my introduction to film. I certainly didn't think I was doing art by any stretch of the imagination.
The introduction of many minds into many fields of learning along a broad spectrum keeps alive questions about the accessibility, if not the unity, of knowledge.
Misspelled Formintroduction, uintroduction, 8introduction, 9introduction, ointroduction, jintroduction, kintroduction, untroduction, 8ntroduction, 9ntroduction, ontroduction, jntroduction, kntroduction, iuntroduction, i8ntroduction, i9ntroduction, iontroduction, ijntroduction, ikntroduction, ibntroduction, ihntroduction, ijntroduction, imntroduction, i ntroduction, ibtroduction, ihtroduction, ijtroduction, imtroduction, i troduction, inbtroduction, inhtroduction, injtroduction, inmtroduction, in troduction, inrtroduction, in5troduction, in6troduction, inytroduction, ingtroduction, inrroduction, in5roduction, in6roduction, inyroduction, ingroduction, intrroduction, int5roduction, int6roduction, intyroduction, intgroduction, interoduction, int4roduction, int5roduction, inttroduction, intfroduction, inteoduction, int4oduction, int5oduction, inttoduction, intfoduction, intreoduction, intr4oduction, intr5oduction, intrtoduction, intrfoduction, intrioduction, intr9oduction, intr0oduction, intrpoduction, intrloduction, intriduction, intr9duction, intr0duction, intrpduction, intrlduction, introiduction, intro9duction, intro0duction, intropduction, introlduction, introsduction, introeduction, introfduction, introxduction, introcduction, introsuction, introeuction, introfuction, introxuction, introcuction, introdsuction, introdeuction, introdfuction, introdxuction, introdcuction, introdyuction, introd7uction, introd8uction, introdiuction, introdjuction, introdyction, introd7ction, introd8ction, introdiction, introdjction, introduyction, introdu7ction, introdu8ction, introduiction, introdujction, introduxction, introdudction, introdufction, introduvction, introdu ction, introduxtion, introdudtion, introduftion, introduvtion, introdu tion, introducxtion, introducdtion, introducftion, introducvtion, introduc tion, introducrtion, introduc5tion, introduc6tion, introducytion, introducgtion, introducrion, introduc5ion, introduc6ion, introducyion, introducgion, introductrion, introduct5ion, introduct6ion, introductyion, introductgion, introductuion, introduct8ion, introduct9ion, introductoion, introductjion, introductkion, introductuon, introduct8on, introduct9on, introductoon, introductjon, introductkon, introductiuon, introducti8on, introducti9on, introductioon, introductijon, introductikon, introductiion, introducti9on, introducti0on, introductipon, introductilon, introductiin, introducti9n, introducti0n, introductipn, introductiln, introductioin, introductio9n, introductio0n, introductiopn, introductioln, introductiobn, introductiohn, introductiojn, introductiomn, introductio n, introductiob, introductioh, introductioj, introductiom, introductio , introductionb, introductionh, introductionj, introductionm, introduction .
Other Usage ExamplesI remember my mom had a big collection of copies of Saturday Evening Post magazines, and that was really my introduction to those great illustrators.
For the introduction of a new kind of music must be shunned as imperiling the whole state since styles of music are never disturbed without affecting the most important political institutions.
There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.