If you are inquisitive that means you love to inquire; you’re always asking questions. Don’t become a private detective if you don’t have an inquisitive personality.
Disposed to ask questions, especially in matters which do not concern the inquirer.
Adjective S.
showing curiosity; "if someone saw a man climbing a light post they might get inquisitive"; "raised a speculative eyebrow"
Adjective S.
inquiring or appearing to inquire; "an inquiring look"; "the police are proverbially inquisitive"
Disposed to ask questions, especially in matters which
do not concern the inquirer.
Given to examination, investigation, or research;
searching; curious.
A person who is inquisitive; one curious in research.
A wise man is not inquisitive about things impertinent.2.
A young, inquisitive, and sprightly genius.
[We] curious are to hear, What happens new.
This folio of four pages [a newspaper], happy work! Which not even critics criticise; that holds Inquisitive attention, while I read.
Nor need we with a prying eye survey The distant skies, to find the Milky Way.
Disposed to ask questions, especially in matters which do not concern the inquirer.
A person who is inquisitive; one curious in research.
Usage Examples
I've always had an inquisitive mind about everything from flowers to television sets to motor cars. Always pulled them apart - couldn't put 'em back, but always extremely interested in how things work.
Misspelled Forminquisitive, uinquisitive, 8inquisitive, 9inquisitive, oinquisitive, jinquisitive, kinquisitive, unquisitive, 8nquisitive, 9nquisitive, onquisitive, jnquisitive, knquisitive, iunquisitive, i8nquisitive, i9nquisitive, ionquisitive, ijnquisitive, iknquisitive, ibnquisitive, ihnquisitive, ijnquisitive, imnquisitive, i nquisitive, ibquisitive, ihquisitive, ijquisitive, imquisitive, i quisitive, inbquisitive, inhquisitive, injquisitive, inmquisitive, in quisitive, in1quisitive, in2quisitive, inwquisitive, inaquisitive, in1uisitive, in2uisitive, inwuisitive, inauisitive, inq1uisitive, inq2uisitive, inqwuisitive, inqauisitive, inqyuisitive, inq7uisitive, inq8uisitive, inqiuisitive, inqjuisitive, inqyisitive, inq7isitive, inq8isitive, inqiisitive, inqjisitive, inquyisitive, inqu7isitive, inqu8isitive, inquiisitive, inqujisitive, inquuisitive, inqu8isitive, inqu9isitive, inquoisitive, inqujisitive, inqukisitive, inquusitive, inqu8sitive, inqu9sitive, inquositive, inqujsitive, inquksitive, inquiusitive, inqui8sitive, inqui9sitive, inquiositive, inquijsitive, inquiksitive, inquiasitive, inquiwsitive, inquiesitive, inquidsitive, inquixsitive, inquizsitive, inquiaitive, inquiwitive, inquieitive, inquiditive, inquixitive, inquizitive, inquisaitive, inquiswitive, inquiseitive, inquisditive, inquisxitive, inquiszitive, inquisuitive, inquis8itive, inquis9itive, inquisoitive, inquisjitive, inquiskitive, inquisutive, inquis8tive, inquis9tive, inquisotive, inquisjtive, inquisktive, inquisiutive, inquisi8tive, inquisi9tive, inquisiotive, inquisijtive, inquisiktive, inquisirtive, inquisi5tive, inquisi6tive, inquisiytive, inquisigtive, inquisirive, inquisi5ive, inquisi6ive, inquisiyive, inquisigive, inquisitrive, inquisit5ive, inquisit6ive, inquisityive, inquisitgive, inquisituive, inquisit8ive, inquisit9ive, inquisitoive, inquisitjive, inquisitkive, inquisituve, inquisit8ve, inquisit9ve, inquisitove, inquisitjve, inquisitkve, inquisitiuve, inquisiti8ve, inquisiti9ve, inquisitiove, inquisitijve, inquisitikve, inquisiticve, inquisitifve, inquisitigve, inquisitibve, inquisiti ve, inquisitice, inquisitife, inquisitige, inquisitibe, inquisiti e, inquisitivce, inquisitivfe, inquisitivge, inquisitivbe, inquisitiv e, inquisitivwe, inquisitiv3e, inquisitiv4e, inquisitivre, inquisitivse, inquisitivde, inquisitivw, inquisitiv3, inquisitiv4, inquisitivr, inquisitivs, inquisitivd, inquisitivew, inquisitive3, inquisitive4, inquisitiver, inquisitives, inquisitived.
Other Usage ExamplesOver the past 20 years, I have noticed that the most flexible, dynamic, inquisitive minds among my students have been industrial design majors. Industrial designers are bracingly free of ideology and cant. The industrial designer is trained to be a clear-eyed observer of the commercial world - which, like it or not, is modern reality.