

Something that's Illustrious is well known or famous, leaving a trail of glory in its wake. An illustrious career, for example, is full of impressive achievements and celebrated contributions to society.


Possessing luster or brightness; brilliant; luminous; splendid.

Adjective S.
having or conferring glory; "an illustrious achievement"

Adjective S.
widely known and esteemed; "a famous actor"; "a celebrated musician"; "a famed scientist"; "an illustrious judge"; "a notable historian"; "a renowned painter"

Adjective S.
having or worthy of pride; "redoubtable scholar of the Renaissance"; "born of a redoubtable family"

Possessing luster or brightness; brilliant; luminous; splendid.

Characterized by greatness, nobleness, etc.; eminent; conspicuous; distinguished.

Conferring luster or honor; renowned; as, illustrious deeds or titles.


Il*lus"tri*ous , a. [L. illustris, prob. for illuxtris; fr. il- in + the root of lucidus bright: cf. F. illustre. See Lucid.] 1. Possessing luster or brightness; brilliant; luminous; splendid.
Quench the light; thine eyes are guides illustrious.
2. Characterized by greatness, nobleness, etc.; eminent; conspicuous; distinguished.
Illustrious earls, renowened everywhere.
3. Conferring luster or honor; renowned; as, illustrious deeds or titles. Syn. -- Distinguished; famous; remarkable; brilliant; conspicuous; noted; celebrated; signal; renowened; eminent; exalted; noble; glorious. See Distinguished, Famous.

Possessing luster or brightness; brilliant; luminous; splendid.


Usage Examples

It is folly for an eminent man to think of escaping censure, and a weakness to be affected with it. All the illustrious persons of antiquity, and indeed of every age in the world, have passed through this fiery persecution.

We must not be content to memorize the beautiful formulas of our illustrious predecessors. Let us go out and study beautiful nature.

No, what I should really like to do right now, in the full blaze of lights, before this illustrious assembly, is to shower every one of you with gifts, with flowers, with offerings of poetry - to be young once more, to ride on the crest of the wave.

Misspelled Form

illustrious, uillustrious, 8illustrious, 9illustrious, oillustrious, jillustrious, killustrious, ullustrious, 8llustrious, 9llustrious, ollustrious, jllustrious, kllustrious, iullustrious, i8llustrious, i9llustrious, iollustrious, ijllustrious, ikllustrious, ikllustrious, iollustrious, ipllustrious, i:llustrious, iklustrious, iolustrious, iplustrious, i:lustrious, ilklustrious, ilolustrious, ilplustrious, il:lustrious, ilklustrious, ilolustrious, ilplustrious, il:lustrious, ilkustrious, iloustrious, ilpustrious, il:ustrious, illkustrious, illoustrious, illpustrious, ill:ustrious, illyustrious, ill7ustrious, ill8ustrious, illiustrious, illjustrious, illystrious, ill7strious, ill8strious, illistrious, illjstrious, illuystrious, illu7strious, illu8strious, illuistrious, illujstrious, illuastrious, illuwstrious, illuestrious, illudstrious, illuxstrious, illuzstrious, illuatrious, illuwtrious, illuetrious, illudtrious, illuxtrious, illuztrious, illusatrious, illuswtrious, illusetrious, illusdtrious, illusxtrious, illusztrious, illusrtrious, illus5trious, illus6trious, illusytrious, illusgtrious, illusrrious, illus5rious, illus6rious, illusyrious, illusgrious, illustrrious, illust5rious, illust6rious, illustyrious, illustgrious, illusterious, illust4rious, illust5rious, illusttrious, illustfrious, illusteious, illust4ious, illust5ious, illusttious, illustfious, illustreious, illustr4ious, illustr5ious, illustrtious, illustrfious, illustruious, illustr8ious, illustr9ious, illustroious, illustrjious, illustrkious, illustruous, illustr8ous, illustr9ous, illustroous, illustrjous, illustrkous, illustriuous, illustri8ous, illustri9ous, illustrioous, illustrijous, illustrikous, illustriious, illustri9ous, illustri0ous, illustripous, illustrilous, illustriius, illustri9us, illustri0us, illustripus, illustrilus, illustrioius, illustrio9us, illustrio0us, illustriopus, illustriolus, illustrioyus, illustrio7us, illustrio8us, illustrioius, illustriojus, illustrioys, illustrio7s, illustrio8s, illustriois, illustriojs, illustriouys, illustriou7s, illustriou8s, illustriouis, illustrioujs, illustriouas, illustriouws, illustrioues, illustriouds, illustriouxs, illustriouzs, illustrioua, illustriouw, illustrioue, illustrioud, illustrioux, illustriouz, illustriousa, illustriousw, illustriouse, illustriousd, illustriousx, illustriousz.

Other Usage Examples

As a theoretical physicist, I feel at once proud and humble at the thought of the illustrious figures that have preceded me here to receive the greatest of all honors in science, the Nobel prize.

On receiving from the people the sacred trust twice confided on my illustrious predecessor, and which he has discharged so faithfully and so well, I know that I can not expect to perform the arduous task with equal ability and success.

I tread in the footsteps of illustrious men... in receiving from the people the sacred trust confided to my illustrious predecessor.


Browse Dictionary