

To hie is to move in a hurried or hasty way. It's the kind of word you are more likely hear in a Shakespeare play, like when a character demands, "Hie thee hither!"


To hasten; to go in haste; -- also often with the reciprocal pronoun.

step on it; "He rushed down the hall to receive his guests"; "The cars raced down the street"

v. i.
To hasten; to go in haste; -- also often with the reciprocal pronoun.

Haste; diligence.


Hie , v. i. [imp. & p. p. Hied ; p. pr. & vb. n. Hying.] [OE. hien, hihen, highen, AS. higian to hasten, strive; cf. L. ciere to put in motion, call upon, rouse, Gr. to go, E. cite.] To hasten; to go in haste; -- also often with the reciprocal pronoun. [Rare, except in poetry] "My husband hies him home." Shak.
The youth, returning to his mistress, hies.


Hie, n. Haste; diligence. [Obs.] Chaucer.

To hasten; to go in haste; -- also often with the reciprocal pronoun.

Haste; diligence.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

hie, ghie, yhie, uhie, jhie, nhie, gie, yie, uie, jie, nie, hgie, hyie, huie, hjie, hnie, huie, h8ie, h9ie, hoie, hjie, hkie, hue, h8e, h9e, hoe, hje, hke, hiue, hi8e, hi9e, hioe, hije, hike, hiwe, hi3e, hi4e, hire, hise, hide, hiw, hi3, hi4, hir, his, hid, hiew, hie3, hie4, hier, hies, hied.


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