

See Gazelle.


The black currant; also, the wild plum.

The black currant; also, the wild plum.

See Gazelle.


Ga"zel , n. The black currant; also, the wild plum. [Prov. Eng.]


Ga*zel" , n. (Zo'94l.) See Gazelle.

The black currant; also, the wild plum.

See Gazelle.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

gazel, fgazel, tgazel, ygazel, hgazel, bgazel, vgazel, fazel, tazel, yazel, hazel, bazel, vazel, gfazel, gtazel, gyazel, ghazel, gbazel, gvazel, gqazel, gwazel, gsazel, gzazel, gqzel, gwzel, gszel, gzzel, gaqzel, gawzel, gaszel, gazzel, gaazel, gaszel, gaxzel, gaael, gasel, gaxel, gazael, gazsel, gazxel, gazwel, gaz3el, gaz4el, gazrel, gazsel, gazdel, gazwl, gaz3l, gaz4l, gazrl, gazsl, gazdl, gazewl, gaze3l, gaze4l, gazerl, gazesl, gazedl, gazekl, gazeol, gazepl, gaze:l, gazek, gazeo, gazep, gaze:, gazelk, gazelo, gazelp, gazel:.


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