A game is a contest or pastime. Football, checkers, Monopoly, volleyball, Ms. Pacman they're all fun games to play.
Crooked; lame;
a contest with rules to determine a winner; "you need four people to play this game"
a single play of a game; "the game lasted 2 hours"
an amusement or pastime; "they played word games"; "he thought of his painting as a game that filled his empty time"; "his life was all fun and games"
frivolous or trifling behavior; "for actors, memorizing lines is no game"; "for him, life is all fun and games"
your occupation or line of work; "he''s in the plumbing game"; "she''s in show biz"
animal hunted for food or sport
the game equipment needed to play a game; "the child received several games for his birthday"
a secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal); "they concocted a plot to discredit the governor"; "I saw through his little game from the start"
the flesh of wild animals that is used for food
(games) the score at a particular point or the score needed to win; "the game is 6 all"; "he is serving for the game"
place a bet on; "Which horse are you backing?"; "I''m betting on the new horse"
Adjective S.
willing to face danger
Adjective S.
disabled in the feet or legs; "a crippled soldier"; "a game leg"
Crooked; lame; as, a game leg.
v. i.
Sport of any kind; jest, frolic.
v. i.
A contest, physical or mental, according to certain rules,
for amusement, recreation, or for winning a stake; as, a game of
chance; games of skill; field games, etc.
v. i.
The use or practice of such a game; a single match at
play; a single contest; as, a game at cards.
v. i.
That which is gained, as the stake in a game; also, the
number of points necessary to be scored in order to win a game; as, in
short whist five points are game.
v. i.
In some games, a point credited on the score to the player
whose cards counts up the highest.
v. i.
A scheme or art employed in the pursuit of an object or
purpose; method of procedure; projected line of operations; plan;
v. i.
Animals pursued and taken by sportsmen; wild meats
designed for, or served at, table.
Having a resolute, unyielding spirit, like the gamecock;
ready to fight to the last; plucky.
Of or pertaining to such animals as are hunted for game, or
to the act or practice of hunting.
To rejoice; to be pleased; -- often used, in Old English,
impersonally with dative.
To play at any sport or diversion.
To play for a stake or prize; to use cards, dice, billiards,
or other instruments, according to certain rules, with a view to win
money or other thing waged upon the issue of the contest; to gamble.
We have had pastimes here, and pleasant game.2.
But war's a game, which, were their subject wise, Kings would not play at.
Talk the game o'er between the deal.4.
Your murderous game is nearly up.
It was obviously Lord Macaulay's game to blacken the greatest literary champion of the cause he had set himself to attack.7.
Those species of animals . . . distinguished from the rest by the well-known appellation of game.
I was game . . . .I felt that I could have fought even to the death.2.
God loved he best with all his whole hearte At alle times, though him gamed or smarte.2.
Crooked; lame;
Sport of any kind; jest, frolic.
Having a resolute, unyielding spirit, like the gamecock; ready to fight to the last; plucky.
Usage Examples
As the only girl growing up among three brothers, I was always afraid of being excluded. If there was a game to be played, a sport to be learned, a competition to join, I was on my feet and ready. I didn't spend much time alone for fear that I'd miss out.
Anyone who has played the game professionally, you're always taught that the ball is the most important, most precious thing, so when the ball hits the ground, it's always a mad scramble. It's amazing how many times there is a fumble, and the person who recovers it initially doesn't walk away with the ball.
Art is an invention of aesthetics, which in turn is an invention of philosophers... What we call art is a game.
A geek isn't the skinny kid with a pocket protector and acne. There can be computer geeks, video game geeks, car geeks, military geeks, and sports geeks. Being a geek just means that you're passionate about something.
All this stuff is so mind-blowing to me that I get to do in my life. Throwing the first pitch out at the White Sox game on a random Wednesday? Like who am I? How did I get this life? I'm glad I'm not jaded, and little kids are the least jaded people in the entire world, so it's fun to be around people that still find wonder in how cool things are.
Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad, and that's why I call you dad, because you are so special to me. You taught me the game and you taught me how to play it right.
And I like to keep whatever is mine remaining that way. It's a funny little game to play and it's a slippery slope. I always say to myself I'm never going to give anything away because there's never any point or benefit for me.
A lot of young players don't really know much about the history of the game and a lot of them are missing out on what the game is all about, especially the whole concept of sportsmanship and teamwork.
And, you know, you try and preach to them there's more to this game than just walking up to home plate, swinging the bat, fielding a ground ball. There's some dedication in it, some love you've got to put into this work.
Misspelled Formgame, fgame, tgame, ygame, hgame, bgame, vgame, fame, tame, yame, hame, bame, vame, gfame, gtame, gyame, ghame, gbame, gvame, gqame, gwame, gsame, gzame, gqme, gwme, gsme, gzme, gaqme, gawme, gasme, gazme, ganme, gajme, gakme, ga,me, ga me, gane, gaje, gake, ga,e, ga e, gamne, gamje, gamke, gam,e, gam e, gamwe, gam3e, gam4e, gamre, gamse, gamde, gamw, gam3, gam4, gamr, gams, gamd, gamew, game3, game4, gamer, games, gamed.
Other Usage ExamplesAfter a certain point, money is meaningless. It ceases to be the goal. The game is what counts.
A guy as great as Brett Favre has been for the length of time he's been, you would hope that he would be able to leave the game with a positive flavor in his mouth.
A buoyant, positive approach to the game is as basic as a sound swing.
After all, is football a game or a religion?
A game one of my sisters will play with me in my first year of being alive is called Good Baby, Bad Baby. This consists of being told I am a good baby until I smile and laugh, then being told I am a bad baby until I burst into tears. This training will stand me in good stead all through my life.
Baseball happens to be a game of cumulative tension but football, basketball and hockey are played with hand grenades and machine guns.
Approach the game with no preset agendas and you'll probably come away surprised at your overall efforts.
As all of us with any involvement in sports knows, no two umpires or no two referees have the same strike zone or call the same kind of a basketball game.
Any time you think you have the game conquered, the game will turn around and punch you right in the nose.