The word fashion has to do with customs and trends. Popular clothes are in fashion. And someone who keeps up with the latest styles is a follower of fashion.
The make or form of anything; the style, shape, appearance, or mode of structure; pattern, model;
characteristic or habitual practice
how something is done or how it happens; "her dignified manner"; "his rapid manner of talking"; "their nomadic mode of existence"; "in the characteristic New York style"; "a lonely way of life"; "in an abrasive fashion"
the latest and most admired style in clothes and cosmetics and behavior
make out of components (often in an improvising manner); "She fashioned a tent out of a sheet and a few sticks"
The make or form of anything; the style, shape,
appearance, or mode of structure; pattern, model; as, the fashion of
the ark, of a coat, of a house, of an altar, etc.; workmanship;
The prevailing mode or style, especially of dress; custom
or conventional usage in respect of dress, behavior, etiquette, etc.;
particularly, the mode or style usual among persons of good breeding;
as, to dress, dance, sing, ride, etc., in the fashion.
Polite, fashionable, or genteel life; social position;
good breeding; as, men of fashion.
Mode of action; method of conduct; manner; custom; sort;
v. t.
To form; to give shape or figure to; to mold.
v. t.
To fit; to adapt; to accommodate; -- with to.
v. t.
To make according to the rule prescribed by custom.
v. t.
To forge or counterfeit.
The fashion of his countenance was altered.
I do not like the fashion of your garments.2.
The innocent diversions in fashion.
As now existing, fashion is a form of social regulation analogous to constitutional government as a form of political regulation.3.
Here the loud hammer fashions female toys.
Ingenious art . . . Steps forth to fashion and refine the age.2.
Laws ought to be fashioned to the manners and conditions of the people.3.
Fashioned plate sells for more than its weight.4.
The make or form of anything; the style, shape, appearance, or mode of structure; pattern, model;
To form; to give shape or figure to; to mold.
Usage Examples
As for style, there is something about the way musicians dress-they seem to be able to create their own world within their fashion alone.
But after the time there I'd had it with fashion again, so I left to go to architecture school in a summer course at Harvard, which didn't last very long.
Art is subject to arbitrary fashion.
Be sure what you want and be sure about yourself. Fashion is not just beauty, it's about good attitude. You have to believe in yourself and be strong.
Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, but I want to tear them apart.
A lot of women these days, a lot of young women don't want to call themselves feminists. You have this cheap, hideous 'girl power' sort of fad, which I think is pretty benign at best, but at worst, I think it's a way of taking the politics out of feminism and making it some kind of fashion.
Change of fashion is the tax levied by the industry of the poor on the vanity of the rich.
Misspelled Formfashion, dfashion, rfashion, tfashion, gfashion, vfashion, cfashion, dashion, rashion, tashion, gashion, vashion, cashion, fdashion, frashion, ftashion, fgashion, fvashion, fcashion, fqashion, fwashion, fsashion, fzashion, fqshion, fwshion, fsshion, fzshion, faqshion, fawshion, fasshion, fazshion, faashion, fawshion, faeshion, fadshion, faxshion, fazshion, faahion, fawhion, faehion, fadhion, faxhion, fazhion, fasahion, faswhion, fasehion, fasdhion, fasxhion, faszhion, fasghion, fasyhion, fasuhion, fasjhion, fasnhion, fasgion, fasyion, fasuion, fasjion, fasnion, fashgion, fashyion, fashuion, fashjion, fashnion, fashuion, fash8ion, fash9ion, fashoion, fashjion, fashkion, fashuon, fash8on, fash9on, fashoon, fashjon, fashkon, fashiuon, fashi8on, fashi9on, fashioon, fashijon, fashikon, fashiion, fashi9on, fashi0on, fashipon, fashilon, fashiin, fashi9n, fashi0n, fashipn, fashiln, fashioin, fashio9n, fashio0n, fashiopn, fashioln, fashiobn, fashiohn, fashiojn, fashiomn, fashio n, fashiob, fashioh, fashioj, fashiom, fashio , fashionb, fashionh, fashionj, fashionm, fashion .
Other Usage ExamplesAll this fashion stuff - who's cool now - is just a bigger version of the cool kids versus the nerds.
An Adult faith does not follow the waves of fashion and the latest novelties.
And you know, the baby boomers are getting older, and those off the rack clothes are just not fitting right any longer, and so, tailor-made suits are coming back into fashion.
Everything in the universe has a purpose. Indeed, the invisible intelligence that flows through everything in a purposeful fashion is also flowing through you.
After my mom died, there was so much written about her fashion and her style and all that, and I felt that one of the most important parts of her was missing, her real intellectual curiosity.
'That's What She Said' is not Hollywood's standard picture of women: preternaturally gorgeous, wedding obsessed, boy crazy, fashion focused, sexed up 'girl' women. These are real women, comically portrayed, who are trying to wrestle with the very expectations of womanhood that Hollywood movies set up.
A lesser complaint: hair extensions. There are moments on 'All My Children' when half the women actors, young and old, seem to be afflicted by android Barbie creep. All those thick swatches of lifeless strands clustering lankly round ladies' necks! Like orange tanning spray, this is a fashion fad that should be put out of its misery.