The verb edit means to prepare writing for publication by correcting, revising, or proofreading. If you write for a newspaper, someone very skilled will edit your work before the public sees it.
To superintend the publication of; to revise and prepare for publication; to select, correct, arrange, etc., the matter of, for publication;
prepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting; "Edit a a book on lexical semantics"; "she edited the letters of the politician so as to omit the most personal passages"
cut or eliminate; "she edited the juiciest scenes"
cut and assemble the components of; "edit film"; "cut recording tape"
supervise the publication of; "The same family has been editing the influential newspaper for almost 100 years"
v. t.
To superintend the publication of; to revise and prepare
for publication; to select, correct, arrange, etc., the matter of, for
publication; as, to edit a newspaper.
Philosophical treatises which have never been edited.
To superintend the publication of; to revise and prepare for publication; to select, correct, arrange, etc., the matter of, for publication;
Usage Examples
History tells us that America does best when the private sector is energetic and entrepreneurial and the government is attentive and engaged. Who among us, really, would, looking back, wish to edit out either sphere at the entire expense of the other?
Yes, the marriage proposal was shot. Michael excluded the dialogue from the final edit.
I like to edit my sentences as I write them. I rearrange a sentence many times before moving on to the next one. For me, that editing process feels like a form of play, like a puzzle that needs solving, and it's one of the most satisfying parts of writing.
Misspelled Formedit, wedit, 3edit, 4edit, redit, sedit, dedit, wdit, 3dit, 4dit, rdit, sdit, ddit, ewdit, e3dit, e4dit, erdit, esdit, eddit, esdit, eedit, efdit, exdit, ecdit, esit, eeit, efit, exit, ecit, edsit, edeit, edfit, edxit, edcit, eduit, ed8it, ed9it, edoit, edjit, edkit, edut, ed8t, ed9t, edot, edjt, edkt, ediut, edi8t, edi9t, ediot, edijt, edikt, edirt, edi5t, edi6t, ediyt, edigt, edir, edi5, edi6, ediy, edig, editr, edit5, edit6, edity, editg.
Other Usage ExamplesI record all of my music with authentic instruments in a studio before we start editing, doing many, many versions. The music shapes the film as we edit so it has an organic relationship to the content.
I was very much fascinated with the technology we had that we could edit in the computer our compositions, but all the sounds that were available on the market were crap.
To a philosopher all news, as it is called, is gossip, and they who edit and read it are old women over their tea.