

If your mother asks you to clean your room and you refuse, you demur. And if your friend invites you to the Death Metal Forever concert but you hesitate, you demur. Whether you object, politely disagree, or hesitate, you demur.


To linger; to stay; to tarry.

(law) a formal objection to an opponent''s pleadings

take exception to; "he demurred at my suggestion to work on Saturday"

enter a demurrer

v. i.
To linger; to stay; to tarry.

v. i.
To delay; to pause; to suspend proceedings or judgment in view of a doubt or difficulty; to hesitate; to put off the determination or conclusion of an affair.

v. i.
To scruple or object; to take exception; as, I demur to that statement.

v. i.
To interpose a demurrer. See Demurrer, 2.

v. t.
To suspend judgment concerning; to doubt of or hesitate about.

v. t.
To cause delay to; to put off.

v. i.
Stop; pause; hesitation as to proceeding; suspense of decision or action; scruple.


De*mur" , v. i. [imp. & p. p. Demurred ; p. pr. & vb. n. Demurring.] [OF. demurer, demorer, demourer, to linger, stay, F. demeurer, fr. L. demorari; de- + morari to delay, tarry, stay, mora delay; prob. originally, time for thinking, reflection, and akin to memor mindful. See Memory.] 1. To linger; to stay; to tarry. [Obs.]
Yet durst not demur nor abide upon the camp.
2. To delay; to pause; to suspend proceedings or judgment in view of a doubt or difficulty; to hesitate; to put off the determination or conclusion of an affair.
Upon this rub, the English embassadors thought fit to demur.
3. To scruple or object; to take exception; as, I demur to that statement. 4. (Law) To interpose a demurrer. See Demurrer, 2.


De*mur", v. t. 1. To suspend judgment concerning; to doubt of or hesitate about. [Obs.]
The latter I demur, for in their looks Much reason, and in their actions, oft appears.
2. To cause delay to; to put off. [Obs.]
He demands a fee, And then demurs me with a vain delay.


De*mur", n. [OF. demor, demore, stay, delay. See Demur, v. i.] Stop; pause; hesitation as to proceeding; suspense of decision or action; scruple.
All my demurs but double his attacks; At last he whispers, "Do; and we go snacks."

To linger; to stay; to tarry.

To suspend judgment concerning; to doubt of or hesitate about.

Stop; pause; hesitation as to proceeding; suspense of decision or action; scruple.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

demur, sdemur, edemur, fdemur, xdemur, cdemur, semur, eemur, femur, xemur, cemur, dsemur, deemur, dfemur, dxemur, dcemur, dwemur, d3emur, d4emur, dremur, dsemur, ddemur, dwmur, d3mur, d4mur, drmur, dsmur, ddmur, dewmur, de3mur, de4mur, dermur, desmur, dedmur, denmur, dejmur, dekmur, de,mur, de mur, denur, dejur, dekur, de,ur, de ur, demnur, demjur, demkur, dem,ur, dem ur, demyur, dem7ur, dem8ur, demiur, demjur, demyr, dem7r, dem8r, demir, demjr, demuyr, demu7r, demu8r, demuir, demujr, demuer, demu4r, demu5r, demutr, demufr, demue, demu4, demu5, demut, demuf, demure, demur4, demur5, demurt, demurf.


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