Someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold
One who deals; one who has to do, or has concern, with others; esp., a trader, a trafficker, a shopkeeper, a broker, or a merchant;
a firm engaged in trading
the person who distributes the playing cards in a card game
the major party to a financial transaction at a stock exchange; buys and sells for his own account
someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold
a seller of illicit goods; "a dealer in stolen goods"
One who deals; one who has to do, or has concern, with
others; esp., a trader, a trafficker, a shopkeeper, a broker, or a
merchant; as, a dealer in dry goods; a dealer in stocks; a retail
One who distributes cards to the players.
One who deals; one who has to do, or has concern, with others; esp., a trader, a trafficker, a shopkeeper, a broker, or a merchant;
Usage Examples
A woman telling her true age is like a buyer confiding his final price to an Armenian rug dealer.
Misspelled Formdealer, sdealer, edealer, fdealer, xdealer, cdealer, sealer, eealer, fealer, xealer, cealer, dsealer, deealer, dfealer, dxealer, dcealer, dwealer, d3ealer, d4ealer, drealer, dsealer, ddealer, dwaler, d3aler, d4aler, draler, dsaler, ddaler, dewaler, de3aler, de4aler, deraler, desaler, dedaler, deqaler, dewaler, desaler, dezaler, deqler, dewler, desler, dezler, deaqler, deawler, deasler, deazler, deakler, deaoler, deapler, dea:ler, deaker, deaoer, deaper, dea:er, dealker, dealoer, dealper, deal:er, dealwer, deal3er, deal4er, dealrer, dealser, dealder, dealwr, deal3r, deal4r, dealrr, dealsr, dealdr, dealewr, deale3r, deale4r, dealerr, dealesr, dealedr, dealeer, deale4r, deale5r, dealetr, dealefr, dealee, deale4, deale5, dealet, dealef, dealere, dealer4, dealer5, dealert, dealerf.
Other Usage ExamplesMany say an art dealer running a museum is a 'conflict of interest.' But maybe the art world has lived an artificial or unintentional lie all of these years when it comes to conflicts of interest.
A leader is a dealer in hope.