

The number that is represented as a one followed by 7 zeros; ten million


Ten millions; as, a crore of rupees (which is nearly $5,000,000).

the number that is represented as a one followed by 7 zeros; ten million

Ten millions; as, a crore of rupees (which is nearly $5,000,000).


Crore (kr?r), n. [Hind. karor, Skr. koTi.] Ten millions; as, a crore of rupees (which is nearly $5,000,000). [East Indies] Malcolm.

Ten millions; as, a crore of rupees (which is nearly $5,000,000).


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

crore, xcrore, dcrore, fcrore, vcrore, crore, xrore, drore, frore, vrore, rore, cxrore, cdrore, cfrore, cvrore, c rore, cerore, c4rore, c5rore, ctrore, cfrore, ceore, c4ore, c5ore, ctore, cfore, creore, cr4ore, cr5ore, crtore, crfore, criore, cr9ore, cr0ore, crpore, crlore, crire, cr9re, cr0re, crpre, crlre, croire, cro9re, cro0re, cropre, crolre, croere, cro4re, cro5re, crotre, crofre, croee, cro4e, cro5e, crote, crofe, croree, cror4e, cror5e, crorte, crorfe, crorwe, cror3e, cror4e, crorre, crorse, crorde, crorw, cror3, cror4, crorr, crors, crord, crorew, crore3, crore4, crorer, crores, crored.


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