

You can crochet by winding loops of yarn around a crochet hook, creating little knots that form patterns and eventually blankets, pillow covers, doilies, or hot pads.


A kind of knitting done by means of a hooked needle, with worsted, silk, or cotton; crochet work. Commonly used adjectively.

needlework done by interlocking looped stitches with a hooked needle

make a piece of needlework by interlocking and looping thread with a hooked needle; "She sat there crocheting all day"

create by looping or crocheting; "crochet a bedspread"

A kind of knitting done by means of a hooked needle, with worsted, silk, or cotton; crochet work. Commonly used adjectively.

v. t. & i.
To knit with a crochet needle or hook; as, to crochet a shawl.


Cro*chet" (kr?-sh?"), n. [F. crochet small hook. See Croche.] A kind of knitting done by means of a hooked needle, with worsted, silk, or cotton; crochet work. Commonly used adjectively. Crochet hook, Crochet needle, a small hook, or a hooked needle (often of bone), used in crochet work.


Cro*chet", v. t. & i. [imp. & p.p. Crocheted (sh?d"); p. pr. & vb. n. Crocheting (-sh?"?ng).] To knit with a crochet needle or hook; as, to rochett a shawl.

A kind of knitting done by means of a hooked needle, with worsted, silk, or cotton; crochet work. Commonly used adjectively.

To knit with a crochet needle or hook; as, to rochett a shawl.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

crochet, xcrochet, dcrochet, fcrochet, vcrochet, crochet, xrochet, drochet, frochet, vrochet, rochet, cxrochet, cdrochet, cfrochet, cvrochet, c rochet, cerochet, c4rochet, c5rochet, ctrochet, cfrochet, ceochet, c4ochet, c5ochet, ctochet, cfochet, creochet, cr4ochet, cr5ochet, crtochet, crfochet, criochet, cr9ochet, cr0ochet, crpochet, crlochet, crichet, cr9chet, cr0chet, crpchet, crlchet, croichet, cro9chet, cro0chet, cropchet, crolchet, croxchet, crodchet, crofchet, crovchet, cro chet, croxhet, crodhet, crofhet, crovhet, cro het, crocxhet, crocdhet, crocfhet, crocvhet, croc het, crocghet, crocyhet, crocuhet, crocjhet, crocnhet, crocget, crocyet, crocuet, crocjet, crocnet, crochget, crochyet, crochuet, crochjet, crochnet, crochwet, croch3et, croch4et, crochret, crochset, crochdet, crochwt, croch3t, croch4t, crochrt, crochst, crochdt, crochewt, croche3t, croche4t, crochert, crochest, crochedt, crochert, croche5t, croche6t, crocheyt, crochegt, crocher, croche5, croche6, crochey, crocheg, crochetr, crochet5, crochet6, crochety, crochetg.