If you notice that crumbs appear on your little brother's shirt whenever the cookies disappear from the cookie jar, you can say that you've correlated two facts, meaning that you've established or revealed that they're linked in a way that explains both of them.
To have reciprocal or mutual relations; to be mutually related.
either of two correlated variables
bring into a mutual, complementary, or reciprocal relation; "I cannot correlate these two pieces of information"
to bear a reciprocal or mutual relation; "Do these facts correlate?"
Adjective S.
mutually related
v. i.
To have reciprocal or mutual relations; to be
mutually related.
v. t.
To put in relation with each other; to connect
together by the disclosure of a mutual relation; as, to correlate
natural phenomena.
One who, or that which, stands in a reciprocal relation
to something else, as father to son; a correlative.
Doctrine and worship correlate as theory and practice.
To have reciprocal or mutual relations; to be mutually related.
To put in relation with each other; to connect together by the disclosure of a mutual relation;
One who, or that which, stands in a reciprocal relation to something else, as father to son; a correlative.
Usage Examples
Happiness does not come from football awards. It's terrible to correlate happiness with football. Happiness comes from a good job, being able to feed your wife and kids. I don't dream football, I dream the American dream - two cars in a garage, be a happy father.
Misspelled Formcorrelate, xcorrelate, dcorrelate, fcorrelate, vcorrelate, correlate, xorrelate, dorrelate, forrelate, vorrelate, orrelate, cxorrelate, cdorrelate, cforrelate, cvorrelate, c orrelate, ciorrelate, c9orrelate, c0orrelate, cporrelate, clorrelate, cirrelate, c9rrelate, c0rrelate, cprrelate, clrrelate, coirrelate, co9rrelate, co0rrelate, coprrelate, colrrelate, coerrelate, co4rrelate, co5rrelate, cotrrelate, cofrrelate, coerelate, co4relate, co5relate, cotrelate, cofrelate, corerelate, cor4relate, cor5relate, cortrelate, corfrelate, corerelate, cor4relate, cor5relate, cortrelate, corfrelate, coreelate, cor4elate, cor5elate, cortelate, corfelate, correelate, corr4elate, corr5elate, corrtelate, corrfelate, corrwelate, corr3elate, corr4elate, corrrelate, corrselate, corrdelate, corrwlate, corr3late, corr4late, corrrlate, corrslate, corrdlate, correwlate, corre3late, corre4late, correrlate, correslate, corredlate, correklate, correolate, correplate, corre:late, correkate, correoate, correpate, corre:ate, correlkate, correloate, correlpate, correl:ate, correlqate, correlwate, correlsate, correlzate, correlqte, correlwte, correlste, correlzte, correlaqte, correlawte, correlaste, correlazte, correlarte, correla5te, correla6te, correlayte, correlagte, correlare, correla5e, correla6e, correlaye, correlage, correlatre, correlat5e, correlat6e, correlatye, correlatge, correlatwe, correlat3e, correlat4e, correlatre, correlatse, correlatde, correlatw, correlat3, correlat4, correlatr, correlats, correlatd, correlatew, correlate3, correlate4, correlater, correlates, correlated.
Other Usage ExamplesWell, first of all, we did lots of studies where we show practical intelligence doesn't correlate with G. We have probably two dozen studies that practical intelligence better predicts job success than IQ.