

The act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat


The art or process of preparing food for the table, by dressing, compounding, and the application of heat.

the act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat; "cooking can be a great art"; "people are needed who have experience in cookery"; "he left the preparation of meals to his wife"

The art or process of preparing food for the table, by dressing, compounding, and the application of heat.

A delicacy; a dainty.


Cook"er*y , n. 1. The art or process of preparing food for the table, by dressing, compounding, and the application of heat. 2. A delicacy; a dainty. [Obs.] R. North.

The art or process of preparing food for the table, by dressing, compounding, and the application of heat.


Usage Examples

Wit - the salt with which the American humorist spoils his intellectual cookery by leaving it out.

Misspelled Form

cookery, xcookery, dcookery, fcookery, vcookery, cookery, xookery, dookery, fookery, vookery, ookery, cxookery, cdookery, cfookery, cvookery, c ookery, ciookery, c9ookery, c0ookery, cpookery, clookery, ciokery, c9okery, c0okery, cpokery, clokery, coiokery, co9okery, co0okery, copokery, colokery, coiokery, co9okery, co0okery, copokery, colokery, coikery, co9kery, co0kery, copkery, colkery, cooikery, coo9kery, coo0kery, coopkery, coolkery, coojkery, cooikery, coookery, coolkery, coomkery, coojery, cooiery, coooery, coolery, coomery, cookjery, cookiery, cookoery, cooklery, cookmery, cookwery, cook3ery, cook4ery, cookrery, cooksery, cookdery, cookwry, cook3ry, cook4ry, cookrry, cooksry, cookdry, cookewry, cooke3ry, cooke4ry, cookerry, cookesry, cookedry, cookeery, cooke4ry, cooke5ry, cooketry, cookefry, cookeey, cooke4y, cooke5y, cookety, cookefy, cookerey, cooker4y, cooker5y, cookerty, cookerfy, cookerty, cooker6y, cooker7y, cookeruy, cookerhy, cookert, cooker6, cooker7, cookeru, cookerh, cookeryt, cookery6, cookery7, cookeryu, cookeryh.

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