Composition is another word for writing the act of writing or the piece of writing that results. It also refers to what something is made of.
The act or art of composing, or forming a whole or integral, by placing together and uniting different things, parts, or ingredients. In specific uses:
the act of creating written works; "writing was a form of therapy for him"; "it was a matter of disputed authorship"
musical creation
something that is created by arranging several things to form a unified whole; "he envied the composition of their faculty"
the way in which someone or something is composed
the spatial property resulting from the arrangement of parts in relation to each other and to the whole; "harmonious composition is essential in a serious work of art"
an essay (especially one written as an assignment); "he got an A on his composition"
art and technique of printing with movable type
a musical work that has been created; "the composition is written in four movements"
a mixture of ingredients
The act or art of composing, or forming a whole or
integral, by placing together and uniting different things, parts, or
The invention or combination of the parts of any
literary work or discourse, or of a work of art; as, the composition of
a poem or a piece of music.
The art or practice of so combining the different
parts of a work of art as to produce a harmonious whole; also, a work
of art considered as such. See 4, below.
The act of writing for practice in a language, as
English, Latin, German, etc.
The setting up of type and arranging it for printing.
The state of being put together or composed;
conjunction; combination; adjustment.
A mass or body formed by combining two or more
substances; as, a chemical composition.
A literary, musical, or artistic production,
especially one showing study and care in arrangement; -- often used of
an elementary essay or translation done as an educational exercise.
Consistency; accord; congruity.
Mutual agreement to terms or conditions for the
settlement of a difference or controversy; also, the terms or
conditions of settlement; agreement.
The adjustment of a debt, or avoidance of an
obligation, by some form of compensation agreed on between the parties;
also, the sum or amount of compensation agreed upon in the adjustment.
Synthesis as opposed to analysis.
View them in composition with other things.
The elementary composition of bodies.3.
A omposition that looks . . . like marble.4.
There is no composition in these news That gives them credit.6.
Thus we are agreed: I crave our composition may be written.7.
Compositions for not taking the order of knighthood.
Cleared by composition with their creditors.8.
The investigation of difficult things by the method of analysis ought ever to precede the method of composition.
The act or art of composing, or forming a whole or integral, by placing together and uniting different things, parts, or ingredients. In specific uses:
Usage Examples
When I left Europe in 1987 I did so with the thought that my relevance as a composition teacher would benefit from a certain cool distance to certain tendencies I had been observing for several years with increasing disquiet.
When I was four years old, my mother put me into a school for early music education where you get perfect pitch and harmony and composition.
Those Dutchmen had hardly any imagination or fantasy, but their good taste and their scientific knowledge of composition were enormous.
The chief ingredients in the composition of those qualities that gain esteem and praise, are good nature, truth, good sense, and good breeding.
Patriotism is strong nationalistic feeling for a country whose borders and whose legitimacy and whose ethnic composition is taken for granted.
And harmony means that the relationship between all the elements used in a composition is balanced, is good.
Misspelled Formcomposition, xcomposition, dcomposition, fcomposition, vcomposition, composition, xomposition, domposition, fomposition, vomposition, omposition, cxomposition, cdomposition, cfomposition, cvomposition, c omposition, ciomposition, c9omposition, c0omposition, cpomposition, clomposition, cimposition, c9mposition, c0mposition, cpmposition, clmposition, coimposition, co9mposition, co0mposition, copmposition, colmposition, conmposition, cojmposition, cokmposition, co,mposition, co mposition, conposition, cojposition, cokposition, co,position, co position, comnposition, comjposition, comkposition, com,position, com position, comoposition, com0position, comlposition, comoosition, com0osition, comlosition, compoosition, comp0osition, complosition, compiosition, comp9osition, comp0osition, compposition, complosition, compisition, comp9sition, comp0sition, comppsition, complsition, compoisition, compo9sition, compo0sition, compopsition, compolsition, compoasition, compowsition, compoesition, compodsition, compoxsition, compozsition, compoaition, compowition, compoeition, compodition, compoxition, compozition, composaition, composwition, composeition, composdition, composxition, composzition, composuition, compos8ition, compos9ition, composoition, composjition, composkition, composution, compos8tion, compos9tion, composotion, composjtion, composktion, composiution, composi8tion, composi9tion, composiotion, composijtion, composiktion, composirtion, composi5tion, composi6tion, composiytion, composigtion, composirion, composi5ion, composi6ion, composiyion, composigion, compositrion, composit5ion, composit6ion, composityion, compositgion, composituion, composit8ion, composit9ion, compositoion, compositjion, compositkion, composituon, composit8on, composit9on, compositoon, compositjon, compositkon, compositiuon, compositi8on, compositi9on, compositioon, compositijon, compositikon, compositiion, compositi9on, compositi0on, compositipon, compositilon, compositiin, compositi9n, compositi0n, compositipn, compositiln, compositioin, compositio9n, compositio0n, compositiopn, compositioln, compositiobn, compositiohn, compositiojn, compositiomn, compositio n, compositiob, compositioh, compositioj, compositiom, compositio , compositionb, compositionh, compositionj, compositionm, composition .
Other Usage ExamplesMy religion lies in my composition.
Everybody has a right to like or dislike anything or anyone. From a flower to a flavor to a book or a composition but it is very sad that in our country we actually fight over such things in an unseemly manner.
Good composition is like a suspension bridge - each line adds strength and takes none away.
I've been a teacher at the college level, in composition mostly, and I've been an editor on magazines.
Viewed freely, the English language is the accretion and growth of every dialect, race, and range of time, and is both the free and compacted composition of all.
I have always been willing to admit when I made a mistake. I made a mistake in my understanding of the composition of the Contras, not on my opposition to the Contra war.