

In a strutting manner; with a strutting gait.


Sticking out, or puffed out; swelling; in a swelling manner.

a. & adv.
Sticking out, or puffed out; swelling; in a swelling manner.

a. & adv.
In a strutting manner; with a strutting gait.


A*strut" , a. & adv. 1. Sticking out, or puffed out; swelling; in a swelling manner. [Archaic]
Inflated and astrut with self-conceit.
2. In a strutting manner; with a strutting gait.

Sticking out, or puffed out; swelling; in a swelling manner.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

astrut, qastrut, wastrut, sastrut, zastrut, qstrut, wstrut, sstrut, zstrut, aqstrut, awstrut, asstrut, azstrut, aastrut, awstrut, aestrut, adstrut, axstrut, azstrut, aatrut, awtrut, aetrut, adtrut, axtrut, aztrut, asatrut, aswtrut, asetrut, asdtrut, asxtrut, asztrut, asrtrut, as5trut, as6trut, asytrut, asgtrut, asrrut, as5rut, as6rut, asyrut, asgrut, astrrut, ast5rut, ast6rut, astyrut, astgrut, asterut, ast4rut, ast5rut, asttrut, astfrut, asteut, ast4ut, ast5ut, asttut, astfut, astreut, astr4ut, astr5ut, astrtut, astrfut, astryut, astr7ut, astr8ut, astriut, astrjut, astryt, astr7t, astr8t, astrit, astrjt, astruyt, astru7t, astru8t, astruit, astrujt, astrurt, astru5t, astru6t, astruyt, astrugt, astrur, astru5, astru6, astruy, astrug, astrutr, astrut5, astrut6, astruty, astrutg.


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