

Something that's arched is curved or rounded. An arched doorway has a curve at the top, and an arched eyebrow is raised and curved in surprise or skepticism.


Made with an arch or curve; covered with an arch; as, an arched door.

Adjective S.
forming or resembling an arch; "an arched ceiling"

constructed with or in the form of an arch or arches; "an arched passageway"

imp. & p. p.
of Arch

Made with an arch or curve; covered with an arch; as, an arched door.


Arched , a. Made with an arch or curve; covered with an arch; as, an arched door.

Made with an arch or curve; covered with an arch; as, an arched door.


Usage Examples

It becomes a giant's task to compute the result when the effect of cross seas, wind at all angles and ever varying force, arched surfaces, head resistance, ratio of weight to area, and the intelligence of the guiding power crop up.

Misspelled Form

arched, qarched, warched, sarched, zarched, qrched, wrched, srched, zrched, aqrched, awrched, asrched, azrched, aerched, a4rched, a5rched, atrched, afrched, aeched, a4ched, a5ched, atched, afched, areched, ar4ched, ar5ched, artched, arfched, arxched, ardched, arfched, arvched, ar ched, arxhed, ardhed, arfhed, arvhed, ar hed, arcxhed, arcdhed, arcfhed, arcvhed, arc hed, arcghed, arcyhed, arcuhed, arcjhed, arcnhed, arcged, arcyed, arcued, arcjed, arcned, archged, archyed, archued, archjed, archned, archwed, arch3ed, arch4ed, archred, archsed, archded, archwd, arch3d, arch4d, archrd, archsd, archdd, archewd, arche3d, arche4d, archerd, archesd, archedd, archesd, archeed, archefd, archexd, archecd, arches, archee, archef, archex, archec, archeds, archede, archedf, archedx, archedc.

Other Usage Examples

Life is too short to spend hoping that the perfectly arched eyebrow or hottest new lip shade will mask an ugly heart.

It is written on the arched sky it looks out from every star. It is the poetry of Nature it is that which uplifts the spirit within us.