

A prefix signifying half, and sometimes partly or imperfectly; as, semiannual, half yearly; semitransparent, imperfectly transparent.


A prefix signifying half, and sometimes partly or imperfectly; as, semiannual, half yearly; semitransparent, imperfectly transparent.

A prefix signifying half, and sometimes partly or imperfectly; as, semiannual, half yearly; semitransparent, imperfectly transparent.


Sem"i- . [L. semi; akin to Gr. , Skr. s'bemi-, AS. s'bem-, and prob. to E. same, from the division into two parts of the same size. Cf. Hemi-, Sandelend.] A prefix signifying half, and sometimes partly or imperfectly; as, semiannual, half yearly; semitransparent, imperfectly transparent. &hand; The prefix semi is joined to another word either with the hyphen or without it. In this book the hyphen is omitted except before a capital letter; as, semiacid, semiaquatic, semi-Arian, semiaxis, semicalcareous.

A prefix signifying half, and sometimes partly or imperfectly; as, semiannual, half yearly; semitransparent, imperfectly transparent.


Usage Examples

I love blackjack. But I'm not addicted to gambling. I'm addicted to sitting in a semi circle.

Misspelled Form

Semi-, Semi-, emi-, Semi-, Swemi-, S3emi-, S4emi-, Sremi-, Ssemi-, Sdemi-, Swmi-, S3mi-, S4mi-, Srmi-, Ssmi-, Sdmi-, Sewmi-, Se3mi-, Se4mi-, Sermi-, Sesmi-, Sedmi-, Senmi-, Sejmi-, Sekmi-, Se,mi-, Se mi-, Seni-, Seji-, Seki-, Se,i-, Se i-, Semni-, Semji-, Semki-, Sem,i-, Sem i-, Semui-, Sem8i-, Sem9i-, Semoi-, Semji-, Semki-, Semu-, Sem8-, Sem9-, Semo-, Semj-, Semk-, Semiu-, Semi8-, Semi9-, Semio-, Semij-, Semik-, Semi0-, Semi+-, Semip-, Semi{-, Semi0, Semi+, Semip, Semi{, Semi-0, Semi-+, Semi-p, Semi-{.

Other Usage Examples


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