

Type genus of the Rhamnaceae: buckthorns


A genus of shrubs and small trees; buckthorn. The California Rhamnus Purchianus and the European R. catharticus are used in medicine. The latter is used for hedges.

type genus of the Rhamnaceae: buckthorns

A genus of shrubs and small trees; buckthorn. The California Rhamnus Purshianus and the European R. catharticus are used in medicine. The latter is used for hedges.


Rham"nus , n. [NL., from Gr. a kind of prickly shrub; cf. L. rhamnos.] (Bot.) A genus of shrubs and small trees; buckthorn. The California Rhamnus Purchianus and the European R. catharticus are used in medicine. The latter is used for hedges.

A genus of shrubs and small trees; buckthorn. The California Rhamnus Purchianus and the European R. catharticus are used in medicine. The latter is used for hedges.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

Rhamnus, Rhamnus, hamnus, Rhamnus, Rghamnus, Ryhamnus, Ruhamnus, Rjhamnus, Rnhamnus, Rgamnus, Ryamnus, Ruamnus, Rjamnus, Rnamnus, Rhgamnus, Rhyamnus, Rhuamnus, Rhjamnus, Rhnamnus, Rhqamnus, Rhwamnus, Rhsamnus, Rhzamnus, Rhqmnus, Rhwmnus, Rhsmnus, Rhzmnus, Rhaqmnus, Rhawmnus, Rhasmnus, Rhazmnus, Rhanmnus, Rhajmnus, Rhakmnus, Rha,mnus, Rha mnus, Rhannus, Rhajnus, Rhaknus, Rha,nus, Rha nus, Rhamnnus, Rhamjnus, Rhamknus, Rham,nus, Rham nus, Rhambnus, Rhamhnus, Rhamjnus, Rhammnus, Rham nus, Rhambus, Rhamhus, Rhamjus, Rhammus, Rham us, Rhamnbus, Rhamnhus, Rhamnjus, Rhamnmus, Rhamn us, Rhamnyus, Rhamn7us, Rhamn8us, Rhamnius, Rhamnjus, Rhamnys, Rhamn7s, Rhamn8s, Rhamnis, Rhamnjs, Rhamnuys, Rhamnu7s, Rhamnu8s, Rhamnuis, Rhamnujs, Rhamnuas, Rhamnuws, Rhamnues, Rhamnuds, Rhamnuxs, Rhamnuzs, Rhamnua, Rhamnuw, Rhamnue, Rhamnud, Rhamnux, Rhamnuz, Rhamnusa, Rhamnusw, Rhamnuse, Rhamnusd, Rhamnusx, Rhamnusz.


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