

A remnant is something that's left over, once the rest is used up. If you plan to sew a shirt using only a remnant, it might have to be a midriff shirt.


Remaining; yet left.

a piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold

a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists

Remaining; yet left.

That which remains after a part is removed, destroyed, used up, performed, etc.; residue.

A small portion; a slight trace; a fragment; a little bit; a scrap.

An unsold end of piece goods, as cloth, ribbons, carpets, etc.


Rem"nant (r?m"nant), a. [OF. remanant, p. pr. of remanoir, remaindre. See Remanent, Remain.] Remaining; yet left. [R.] "Because of the remnant dregs of his disease." Fuller.
And quiet dedicate her remnant life To the just duties of an humble wife.


Rem"nant, n. [OF.remanant. See Remnant, a.] 1. That which remains after a part is removed, destroyed, used up, performed, etc.; residue. Chaucer.
The remnant that are left of the captivity.
The remnant of my tale is of a length To tire your patience.
2. A small portion; a slight trace; a fragment; a little bit; a scrap.
Some odd quirks and remnants of wit.
3. (Com.) An unsold end of piece goods, as cloth, ribbons, carpets, etc. Syn. -- Residue; rest; remains; remainder.

Remaining; yet left.

That which remains after a part is removed, destroyed, used up, performed, etc.; residue.


Usage Examples

There is no such thing as death. In nature nothing dies. From each sad remnant of decay, some forms of life arise so shall his life be taken away before he knoweth that he hath it.

Misspelled Form

Remnant, Remnant, emnant, Remnant, Rwemnant, R3emnant, R4emnant, Rremnant, Rsemnant, Rdemnant, Rwmnant, R3mnant, R4mnant, Rrmnant, Rsmnant, Rdmnant, Rewmnant, Re3mnant, Re4mnant, Rermnant, Resmnant, Redmnant, Renmnant, Rejmnant, Rekmnant, Re,mnant, Re mnant, Rennant, Rejnant, Reknant, Re,nant, Re nant, Remnnant, Remjnant, Remknant, Rem,nant, Rem nant, Rembnant, Remhnant, Remjnant, Remmnant, Rem nant, Rembant, Remhant, Remjant, Remmant, Rem ant, Remnbant, Remnhant, Remnjant, Remnmant, Remn ant, Remnqant, Remnwant, Remnsant, Remnzant, Remnqnt, Remnwnt, Remnsnt, Remnznt, Remnaqnt, Remnawnt, Remnasnt, Remnaznt, Remnabnt, Remnahnt, Remnajnt, Remnamnt, Remna nt, Remnabt, Remnaht, Remnajt, Remnamt, Remna t, Remnanbt, Remnanht, Remnanjt, Remnanmt, Remnan t, Remnanrt, Remnan5t, Remnan6t, Remnanyt, Remnangt, Remnanr, Remnan5, Remnan6, Remnany, Remnang, Remnantr, Remnant5, Remnant6, Remnanty, Remnantg.

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