

If you send your client a bill for your consulting services, be sure to include your address so he knows where to remit the payment.


To send back; to give up; to surrender; to resign.

(law) the act of remitting (especially the referral of a law case to another court)

diminish or abate; "The pain finally remitted"

make slack as by lessening tension or firmness

forgive; "God will remit their sins"

refer (a matter or legal case) to another committe or authority or court for decision


release from (claims, debts, or taxes); "The texes were remitted"

send (money) in payment; "remit $25"

hold back to a later time; "let''s postpone the exam"

v. t.
To send back; to give up; to surrender; to resign.

v. t.
To restore.

v. t.
To transmit or send, esp. to a distance, as money in payment of a demand, account, draft, etc.; as, he remitted the amount by mail.

v. t.
To send off or away; hence: (a) To refer or direct (one) for information, guidance, help, etc. "Remitting them . . . to the works of Galen." Sir T. Elyot. (b) To submit, refer, or leave (something) for judgment or decision.

v. t.
To relax in intensity; to make less violent; to abate.

v. t.
To forgive; to pardon; to remove.

v. t.
To refrain from exacting or enforcing; as, to remit the performance of an obligation.

v. i.
To abate in force or in violence; to grow less intense; to become moderated; to abate; to relax; as, a fever remits; the severity of the weather remits.

v. i.
To send money, as in payment.


Re*mit" (r?-m?t"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Remitted; p. pr. & vb. n. Remitting.] [L. remittere, remissum, to send back, to slacken, relax; pref. re- re- + mittere to send. See Mission, and cf. Remise, Remiss.] 1. To send back; to give up; to surrender; to resign.
In the case the law remits him to his ancient and more certain right.
In grevious and inhuman crimes, offenders should be remitted to their prince.
The prisoner was remitted to the guard.
2. To restore. [Obs.]
The archbishop was . . . remitted to his liberty.
3. (Com.) To transmit or send, esp. to a distance, as money in payment of a demand, account, draft, etc.; as, he remitted the amount by mail. 4. To send off or away; hence: (a) To refer or direct (one) for information, guidance, help, etc. "Remitting them . . . to the works of Galen." Sir T. Elyot. (b) To submit, refer, or leave (something) for judgment or decision. "Whether the counsel be good Iremit it to the wise readers." Sir T. Elyot. 5. To relax in intensity; to make less violent; to abate.
So willingly doth God remit his ire.
6. To forgive; to pardon; to remove.
Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them.
7. To refrain from exacting or enforcing; as, to remit the performance of an obligation. "The sovereign was undoubtedly competent to remit penalties." Macaulay. Syn. -- To relax; release; abate; relinguish; forgive; pardon; absolve.


Re*mit", v. i. 1. To abate in force or in violence; to grow less intense; to become moderated; to abate; to relax; as, a fever remits; the severity of the weather remits. 2. To send money, as in payment. Addison.

To send back; to give up; to surrender; to resign.

To abate in force or in violence; to grow less intense; to become moderated; to abate; to relax; as, a fever remits; the severity of the weather remits.


Usage Examples

Inequality makes everyone unhappy, the poor most of all, and that is well within the remit of the state. More money gives less extra happiness the richer we get, yet we are addicted to earning and spending more every year.

Misspelled Form

Remit, Remit, emit, Remit, Rwemit, R3emit, R4emit, Rremit, Rsemit, Rdemit, Rwmit, R3mit, R4mit, Rrmit, Rsmit, Rdmit, Rewmit, Re3mit, Re4mit, Rermit, Resmit, Redmit, Renmit, Rejmit, Rekmit, Re,mit, Re mit, Renit, Rejit, Rekit, Re,it, Re it, Remnit, Remjit, Remkit, Rem,it, Rem it, Remuit, Rem8it, Rem9it, Remoit, Remjit, Remkit, Remut, Rem8t, Rem9t, Remot, Remjt, Remkt, Remiut, Remi8t, Remi9t, Remiot, Remijt, Remikt, Remirt, Remi5t, Remi6t, Remiyt, Remigt, Remir, Remi5, Remi6, Remiy, Remig, Remitr, Remit5, Remit6, Remity, Remitg.

Other Usage Examples


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