

A woman whose husband is dead; a widow.


A woman whose husband is dead; a widow.

geological feature that is a remnant of a pre-existing formation after other parts have disappeared

an organism or species surviving as a remnant of an otherwise extinct flora or fauna in an environment much changed from that in which it originated

A woman whose husband is dead; a widow.


Rel"ict (-?kt), n. [L. relicta, fr. of relictus, p. p. of relinquere to leave behind. See Relinquish.] A woman whose husband is dead; a widow.
Eli dying without issue, Jacob was obbliged by law to marry his relict, and so to raise up seed to his brother Eli.

A woman whose husband is dead; a widow.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

Relict, Relict, elict, Relict, Rwelict, R3elict, R4elict, Rrelict, Rselict, Rdelict, Rwlict, R3lict, R4lict, Rrlict, Rslict, Rdlict, Rewlict, Re3lict, Re4lict, Rerlict, Reslict, Redlict, Reklict, Reolict, Replict, Re:lict, Rekict, Reoict, Repict, Re:ict, Relkict, Reloict, Relpict, Rel:ict, Reluict, Rel8ict, Rel9ict, Reloict, Reljict, Relkict, Reluct, Rel8ct, Rel9ct, Reloct, Reljct, Relkct, Reliuct, Reli8ct, Reli9ct, Relioct, Relijct, Relikct, Relixct, Relidct, Relifct, Relivct, Reli ct, Relixt, Relidt, Relift, Relivt, Reli t, Relicxt, Relicdt, Relicft, Relicvt, Relic t, Relicrt, Relic5t, Relic6t, Relicyt, Relicgt, Relicr, Relic5, Relic6, Relicy, Relicg, Relictr, Relict5, Relict6, Relicty, Relictg.


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