

The noun rejection can refer to the actual act of rejecting something or to the feeling one has after being rejected. In other words, you might have feelings of rejection after experiencing the rejection of others.


Act of rejecting, or state of being rejected.

the act of rejecting something; "his proposals were met with rejection"

the speech act of rejecting

(medicine) an immunological response that refuses to accept substances or organisms that are recognized as foreign; "rejection of the transplanted liver"

the state of being rejected

Act of rejecting, or state of being rejected.


Re*jec"tion (r?-j?k"sh?n), n. [L. rejectio: cf. F. r'82jection.] Act of rejecting, or state of being rejected.

Act of rejecting, or state of being rejected.


Usage Examples

Attitude is your acceptance of the natural laws, or your rejection of the natural laws.

People could rationally decide that prolonged relationships take up too much time and effort and that they'd much rather do other kinds of things. But most people are afraid of rejection.

Dialogue and education for peace can help free our hearts from the impulse toward intolerance and the rejection of others.

You have people come into your life shockingly and surprisingly. You have losses that you never thought you'd experience. You have rejection and you have learn how to deal with that and how to get up the next day and go on with it.

People were being so mean as a result of my ability - a gift, really. So I think that's what makes me fight harder to provide an option to aspiring kids or artists. I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I went through... to see a little girl or a little dancer experience such unnecessary rejection.

I think I've always been somebody, since the deaths of my father and brother, who was afraid to hope. So, I was more prepared for failure and for rejection than for success.

An unexamined faith is not worth having, for fundamentalism and uncritical certitude entail the rejection of one of the great human gifts: that of free will, of the liberty to make up our own minds based on evidence and tradition and reason.

A man's primary fantasy is access to a variety of attractive women without the fear of rejection.

I could write an entertaining novel about rejection slips, but I fear it would be overly long.

Misspelled Form

Rejection, Rejection, ejection, Rejection, Rwejection, R3ejection, R4ejection, Rrejection, Rsejection, Rdejection, Rwjection, R3jection, R4jection, Rrjection, Rsjection, Rdjection, Rewjection, Re3jection, Re4jection, Rerjection, Resjection, Redjection, Rehjection, Reujection, Reijection, Rekjection, Renjection, Remjection, Rehection, Reuection, Reiection, Rekection, Renection, Remection, Rejhection, Rejuection, Rejiection, Rejkection, Rejnection, Rejmection, Rejwection, Rej3ection, Rej4ection, Rejrection, Rejsection, Rejdection, Rejwction, Rej3ction, Rej4ction, Rejrction, Rejsction, Rejdction, Rejewction, Reje3ction, Reje4ction, Rejerction, Rejesction, Rejedction, Rejexction, Rejedction, Rejefction, Rejevction, Reje ction, Rejextion, Rejedtion, Rejeftion, Rejevtion, Reje tion, Rejecxtion, Rejecdtion, Rejecftion, Rejecvtion, Rejec tion, Rejecrtion, Rejec5tion, Rejec6tion, Rejecytion, Rejecgtion, Rejecrion, Rejec5ion, Rejec6ion, Rejecyion, Rejecgion, Rejectrion, Reject5ion, Reject6ion, Rejectyion, Rejectgion, Rejectuion, Reject8ion, Reject9ion, Rejectoion, Rejectjion, Rejectkion, Rejectuon, Reject8on, Reject9on, Rejectoon, Rejectjon, Rejectkon, Rejectiuon, Rejecti8on, Rejecti9on, Rejectioon, Rejectijon, Rejectikon, Rejectiion, Rejecti9on, Rejecti0on, Rejectipon, Rejectilon, Rejectiin, Rejecti9n, Rejecti0n, Rejectipn, Rejectiln, Rejectioin, Rejectio9n, Rejectio0n, Rejectiopn, Rejectioln, Rejectiobn, Rejectiohn, Rejectiojn, Rejectiomn, Rejectio n, Rejectiob, Rejectioh, Rejectioj, Rejectiom, Rejectio , Rejectionb, Rejectionh, Rejectionj, Rejectionm, Rejection .

Other Usage Examples

Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority.

The rejection that we all take and the sadness and the aggravation and the loss of jobs and all of the things that we live through in our lives, without a sense of humor, I don't know how people make it.

Sometimes I feel my whole life has been one big rejection.

I don't think feminism, as I understand the definition, implies the rejection of maternal values, nurturing children, caring about the men in your life. That is just nonsense to me.

It's really hard for me to sometimes put myself out there, like 'Hey, how do you feel about making music together?' because maybe I'm afraid of rejection or I don't want to put anybody out. It's the Southerner in me, like, 'I don't mean to bother you but do you mind making a song?'

The radical novelty of modern science lies precisely in the rejection of the belief... that the forces which move the stars and atoms are contingent upon the preferences of the human heart.

The most important element of a free society, where individual rights are held in the highest esteem, is the rejection of the initiation of violence.

A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success.

Lesbian existence comprises both the breaking of a taboo and the rejection of a compulsory way of life. It is also a direct or indirect attack on the male right of access to women.


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