

A region is an area. A region can be geographic like a part of a country. A region can be intellectual like a region of the mind. There are also bodily regions like abdominal, thoracic, and posterior.


One of the grand districts or quarters into which any space or surface, as of the earth or the heavens, is conceived of as divided; hence, in general, a portion of space or territory of indefinite extent; country; province; district; tract.

a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve; "in the abdominal region"

a knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about; "it was a limited domain of discourse"; "here we enter the region of opinion"; "the realm of the occult"

the extended spatial location of something; "the farming regions of France"; "religions in all parts of the world"; "regions of outer space"

a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth; "penguins inhabit the polar regions"

the approximate amount of something (usually used prepositionally as in `in the region of''); "it was going to take in the region of two or three months to finish the job"; "the price is in the neighborhood of $100"


One of the grand districts or quarters into which any space or surface, as of the earth or the heavens, is conceived of as divided; hence, in general, a portion of space or territory of indefinite extent; country; province; district; tract.

Tract, part, or space, lying about and including anything; neighborhood; vicinity; sphere.

The upper air; the sky; the heavens.

The inhabitants of a district.

Place; rank; station.


Re"gion (r?"j?n), n. [F. r'82gion, from L. regio a direction, a boundary line, region, fr. regere to guide, direct. See Regimen.] 1. One of the grand districts or quarters into which any space or surface, as of the earth or the heavens, is conceived of as divided; hence, in general, a portion of space or territory of indefinite extent; country; province; district; tract.
If thence he 'scappe, into whatever world, Or unknown region.
2. Tract, part, or space, lying about and including anything; neighborhood; vicinity; sphere. "Though the fork invade the region of my heart." Shak.
Philip, tetrarch of .. the region of Trachonitis.
3. The upper air; the sky; the heavens. [Obs.]
Anon the dreadful thunder Doth rend the region.
4. The inhabitants of a district. Matt. iii. 5. 5. Place; rank; station. [Obs. or R.]
He is of too high a region.

One of the grand districts or quarters into which any space or surface, as of the earth or the heavens, is conceived of as divided; hence, in general, a portion of space or territory of indefinite extent; country; province; district; tract.


Usage Examples

The goal of the EU is to form a region of freedom, security and justice. Freedom in this connection cannot be just the freedom of the strong, but it must be combined with fraternity and equality.

Bringing an end to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians may help the young Arab generation to realise their aspirations. Israel is more than willing to offer our experience in building a modern economy in spite of limited resources to the whole region.

My heart goes out to the brave citizens of Syria, who each day risk and even sacrifice their lives to achieve freedom from a murderous regime. We in Israel welcome the historic struggle to forge democratic, peace-loving governments in our region.

I am optimistic that peace can be achieved in the region because I believe that every society on earth can be free and that if freedom comes to the Middle East, there can be peace.

I think in the future we need to look at our youth department to provide more players for the first team think it is important for a club to have a good amount of players that have roots with the club and region.

The Middle East has the highest unemployment percentage of any region in the world we have the largest youth cohort of history coming into the market place that frustration does translate into the political sphere when people are hungry and without jobs.

Nevertheless most of the evergreen forests of the north must always remain the home of wild animals and trappers, a backward region in which it is easy for a great fur company to maintain a practical monopoly.

I hope I'm wrong, but I am afraid that Iraq is going to turn out to be the greatest disaster in American foreign policy - worse than Vietnam, not in the number who died, but in terms of its unintended consequences and its reverberation throughout the region.

The link between peace and stability on the one hand, and social and economic growth on the other, is dialectic. Peace, poverty, and backwardness cannot mix in one region.

Misspelled Form

Region, Region, egion, Region, Rwegion, R3egion, R4egion, Rregion, Rsegion, Rdegion, Rwgion, R3gion, R4gion, Rrgion, Rsgion, Rdgion, Rewgion, Re3gion, Re4gion, Rergion, Resgion, Redgion, Refgion, Retgion, Reygion, Rehgion, Rebgion, Revgion, Refion, Retion, Reyion, Rehion, Rebion, Revion, Regfion, Regtion, Regyion, Reghion, Regbion, Regvion, Reguion, Reg8ion, Reg9ion, Regoion, Regjion, Regkion, Reguon, Reg8on, Reg9on, Regoon, Regjon, Regkon, Regiuon, Regi8on, Regi9on, Regioon, Regijon, Regikon, Regiion, Regi9on, Regi0on, Regipon, Regilon, Regiin, Regi9n, Regi0n, Regipn, Regiln, Regioin, Regio9n, Regio0n, Regiopn, Regioln, Regiobn, Regiohn, Regiojn, Regiomn, Regio n, Regiob, Regioh, Regioj, Regiom, Regio , Regionb, Regionh, Regionj, Regionm, Region .

Other Usage Examples

Secondly I would like to make continuous efforts of stabilising cross Strait relations, eventually reaching peace across the Taiwan strait and stability and security in the Asia Pacific region.

A lasting solution to this problem will have an exceptionally positive influence foremost on the peoples of Palestine and Israel, as well as on the region and the international community.

I think the rise of China is one of the great events of all economic and human history, and I think this will be overwhelmingly a positive thing for the region and the world.

Go beyond science, into the region of metaphysics. Real religion is beyond argument. It can only be lived both inwardly and outwardly.

I know it's very idealistic and utopian, but I believe we need to just let everyone not be judged in terms of religion, groups or nations or region.

It is time for the world, the hemisphere and the region to make sure that relevant institutions of civil society and relevant laws are embedded in the mechanisms of governance.

My policy was just to give good things for sports in my region.

Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process.

Mr. Speaker, the Delaware River deepening project is important for my constituents, for our region and for the entire nation. I trust that, when they examine the facts about it, every one of my colleagues will join me in supporting it.


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