

The verb opine is used when someone speaks up and expresses an opinion. You might opine that dogs are highly preferable to cats.


To have an opinion; to judge; to think; to suppose.

expect, believe, or suppose; "I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel"; "I thought to find her in a bad state"; "he didn''t think to find her in the kitchen"; "I guess she is angry at me for standing her up"

speak one''s opinion without fear or hesitation; "John spoke up at the meeting"

v. t. & i.
To have an opinion; to judge; to think; to suppose.


O*pine" , v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Opined ; p. pr. & vb. n. Opining.] [L. opinari, p.p. opinatus; akin to opinus (in comp.) thinking, and perh. to E. apt: cf. F. opiner.] To have an opinion; to judge; to think; to suppose. South.

To have an opinion; to judge; to think; to suppose.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

Opine, Opine, pine, Opine, Oopine, O0pine, Olpine, Ooine, O0ine, Oline, Opoine, Op0ine, Opline, Opuine, Op8ine, Op9ine, Opoine, Opjine, Opkine, Opune, Op8ne, Op9ne, Opone, Opjne, Opkne, Opiune, Opi8ne, Opi9ne, Opione, Opijne, Opikne, Opibne, Opihne, Opijne, Opimne, Opi ne, Opibe, Opihe, Opije, Opime, Opi e, Opinbe, Opinhe, Opinje, Opinme, Opin e, Opinwe, Opin3e, Opin4e, Opinre, Opinse, Opinde, Opinw, Opin3, Opin4, Opinr, Opins, Opind, Opinew, Opine3, Opine4, Opiner, Opines, Opined.


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