

A hood is a protective covering. It could be a car hood protecting the engine or your car or it could be the hood on your coat protecting your noggin.


Covered with a hood.

imp. & p. p.
of Hood

Covered with a hood.

Furnished with a hood or something like a hood.

Hood-shaped; esp. (Bot.), rolled up like a cornet of paper; cuculate, as the spethe of the Indian turnip.

Having the head conspicuously different in color from the rest of the plumage; -- said of birds.

Having a hoodlike crest or prominence on the head or neck; as, the hooded seal; a hooded snake.


Hood"ed, a. 1. Covered with a hood. 2. Furnished with a hood or something like a hood. 3. Hood-shaped; esp. (Bot.), rolled up like a cornet of paper; cuculate, as the spethe of the Indian turnip. 4. (Zo'94l.) (a) Having the head conspicuously different in color from the rest of the plumage; -- said of birds. (b) Having a hoodlike crest or prominence on the head or neck; as, the hooded seal; a hooded snake. Hooded crow, a European crow (Corvus cornix); -- called also hoody, dun crow, and royston crow. -- Hooded gull, the European black-headed pewit or gull. -- Hooded merganser. See Merganser. -- Hooded seal, a large North Atlantic seal (Cystophora cristata). The male has a large, inflatible, hoodlike sac upon the head. Called also hoodcap. -- Hooded sheldrake, the hooded merganser. See Merganser. -- Hooded snake. See Cobra de capello, Asp, Haje, etc. -- Hooded warbler, a small American warbler (Sylvania mitrata).

Covered with a hood.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

Hooded, Hooded, ooded, Hooded, Hiooded, H9ooded, H0ooded, Hpooded, Hlooded, Hioded, H9oded, H0oded, Hpoded, Hloded, Hoioded, Ho9oded, Ho0oded, Hopoded, Holoded, Hoioded, Ho9oded, Ho0oded, Hopoded, Holoded, Hoided, Ho9ded, Ho0ded, Hopded, Holded, Hooided, Hoo9ded, Hoo0ded, Hoopded, Hoolded, Hoosded, Hooeded, Hoofded, Hooxded, Hoocded, Hoosed, Hooeed, Hoofed, Hooxed, Hooced, Hoodsed, Hoodeed, Hoodfed, Hoodxed, Hoodced, Hoodwed, Hood3ed, Hood4ed, Hoodred, Hoodsed, Hoodded, Hoodwd, Hood3d, Hood4d, Hoodrd, Hoodsd, Hooddd, Hoodewd, Hoode3d, Hoode4d, Hooderd, Hoodesd, Hoodedd, Hoodesd, Hoodeed, Hoodefd, Hoodexd, Hoodecd, Hoodes, Hoodee, Hoodef, Hoodex, Hoodec, Hoodeds, Hoodede, Hoodedf, Hoodedx, Hoodedc.


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