

Plant lice (aphids); whiteflies; cicadas; leafhoppers; plant hoppers; scale insects and mealybugs; spittle insects


A suborder of Hemiptera, in which both pairs of wings are similar in texture, and do not overlap when folded, as in the cicada. See Hemiptera.

plant lice (aphids); whiteflies; cicadas; leafhoppers; plant hoppers; scale insects and mealybugs; spittle insects

n. pl.
A suborder of Hemiptera, in which both pairs of wings are similar in texture, and do not overlap when folded, as in the cicada. See Hemiptera.


Ho*mop"te*ra , n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. the same, like + wing.] (Zo'94l.) A suborder of Hemiptera, in which both pairs of wings are similar in texture, and do not overlap when folded, as in the cicada. See Hemiptera.

A suborder of Hemiptera, in which both pairs of wings are similar in texture, and do not overlap when folded, as in the cicada. See Hemiptera.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

Homoptera, Homoptera, omoptera, Homoptera, Hiomoptera, H9omoptera, H0omoptera, Hpomoptera, Hlomoptera, Himoptera, H9moptera, H0moptera, Hpmoptera, Hlmoptera, Hoimoptera, Ho9moptera, Ho0moptera, Hopmoptera, Holmoptera, Honmoptera, Hojmoptera, Hokmoptera, Ho,moptera, Ho moptera, Honoptera, Hojoptera, Hokoptera, Ho,optera, Ho optera, Homnoptera, Homjoptera, Homkoptera, Hom,optera, Hom optera, Homioptera, Hom9optera, Hom0optera, Hompoptera, Homloptera, Homiptera, Hom9ptera, Hom0ptera, Hompptera, Homlptera, Homoiptera, Homo9ptera, Homo0ptera, Homopptera, Homolptera, Homooptera, Homo0ptera, Homolptera, Homootera, Homo0tera, Homoltera, Homopotera, Homop0tera, Homopltera, Homoprtera, Homop5tera, Homop6tera, Homopytera, Homopgtera, Homoprera, Homop5era, Homop6era, Homopyera, Homopgera, Homoptrera, Homopt5era, Homopt6era, Homoptyera, Homoptgera, Homoptwera, Homopt3era, Homopt4era, Homoptrera, Homoptsera, Homoptdera, Homoptwra, Homopt3ra, Homopt4ra, Homoptrra, Homoptsra, Homoptdra, Homoptewra, Homopte3ra, Homopte4ra, Homopterra, Homoptesra, Homoptedra, Homopteera, Homopte4ra, Homopte5ra, Homoptetra, Homoptefra, Homopteea, Homopte4a, Homopte5a, Homopteta, Homoptefa, Homopterea, Homopter4a, Homopter5a, Homopterta, Homopterfa, Homopterqa, Homopterwa, Homoptersa, Homopterza, Homopterq, Homopterw, Homopters, Homopterz, Homopteraq, Homopteraw, Homopteras, Homopteraz.


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