

Things that are endless go on forever, or at least appear to. The ocean looks endless when you sail out of sight of the shore.


Without end; having no end or conclusion; perpetual; interminable; -- applied to length, and to duration; as, an endless line; endless time; endless bliss; endless praise; endless clamor.

Adjective S.
occurring so frequently as to seem ceaseless or uninterrupted; "a child''s incessant questions"; "your perpetual (or continual) complaints"

Adjective S.
having the ends united so as to form a continuous whole; "an endless chain"

Adjective S.
having no known beginning and presumably no end; "the dateless rise and fall of the tides"; "time is endless"; "sempiternal truth"

Adjective S.
infinitely great in number; "endless waves"

Adjective S.
tiresomely long; seemingly without end; "endless debates"; "an endless conversation"; "the wait seemed eternal"; "eternal quarreling"; "an interminable sermon"


Without end; having no end or conclusion; perpetual; interminable; -- applied to length, and to duration; as, an endless line; endless time; endless bliss; endless praise; endless clamor.

Infinite; excessive; unlimited.

Without profitable end; fruitless; unsatisfying.

Void of design; objectless; as, an endless pursuit.


End"less , a. [AS. endele'a0s. See End.] 1. Without end; having no end or conclusion; perpetual; interminable; -- applied to length, and to duration; as, an endless line; endless time; endless bliss; endless praise; endless clamor. 2. Infinite; excessive; unlimited. Shak. 3. Without profitable end; fruitless; unsatisfying. [R.] "All loves are endless." Beau. & Fl. 4. Void of design; objectless; as, an endless pursuit. Endless chain, a chain which is made continuous by uniting its two ends. -- Endless screw. (Mech.) See under Screw. Syn. -- Eternal; everlasting; interminable; infinite; unlimited; incessant; perpetual; uninterrupted; continual; unceasing; unending; boundless; undying; imperishable.

Without end; having no end or conclusion; perpetual; interminable; -- applied to length, and to duration; as, an endless line; endless time; endless bliss; endless praise; endless clamor.


Usage Examples

As a speaker, business leader or marketer of any type, the onus is now on each of us to become equally capable of communicating very personally with a seemingly endless number of people connected by social technologies.

I'm really anti-option, so computers have been my nightmare with recording. I don't want endless tracks I want less tracks. I want decisions to be made.

It is up to African leaders to show their will and political courage in order to assure that this new pan-African institution becomes an efficient instrument and not a place for endless discussions.

Death is an endless night so awful to contemplate that it can make us love life and value it with such passion that it may be the ultimate cause of all joy and all art.

History is an endless repetition of the wrong way of living.

I love our shared island, our shared Ireland and its core decency. I love it for its imagination and its celebration of the endless possibilities for our people.

I don't have a single complete show or movie or anything else that I could look at and say, 'Nailed that one.' But endless dissatisfaction is, I suppose, what gets us out of bed in the morning.

I believe the accepted model of capitalism that demands endless growth deserves the blame for the destruction of nature, and it should be displaced. Failing that, I try to work with those companies and help them change the way they think about our resources.

Cats have it all - admiration, an endless sleep, and company only when they want it.

Misspelled Form

Endless, Endless, ndless, Endless, Ebndless, Ehndless, Ejndless, Emndless, E ndless, Ebdless, Ehdless, Ejdless, Emdless, E dless, Enbdless, Enhdless, Enjdless, Enmdless, En dless, Ensdless, Enedless, Enfdless, Enxdless, Encdless, Ensless, Eneless, Enfless, Enxless, Encless, Endsless, Endeless, Endfless, Endxless, Endcless, Endkless, Endoless, Endpless, End:less, Endkess, Endoess, Endpess, End:ess, Endlkess, Endloess, Endlpess, Endl:ess, Endlwess, Endl3ess, Endl4ess, Endlress, Endlsess, Endldess, Endlwss, Endl3ss, Endl4ss, Endlrss, Endlsss, Endldss, Endlewss, Endle3ss, Endle4ss, Endlerss, Endlesss, Endledss, Endleass, Endlewss, Endleess, Endledss, Endlexss, Endlezss, Endleas, Endlews, Endlees, Endleds, Endlexs, Endlezs, Endlesas, Endlesws, Endleses, Endlesds, Endlesxs, Endleszs, Endlesas, Endlesws, Endleses, Endlesds, Endlesxs, Endleszs, Endlesa, Endlesw, Endlese, Endlesd, Endlesx, Endlesz, Endlessa, Endlessw, Endlesse, Endlessd, Endlessx, Endlessz.

Other Usage Examples

All outward forms of religion are almost useless, and are the causes of endless strife. Believe there is a great power silently working all things for good, behave yourself and never mind the rest.

I want to establish a wide range and play all kinds of parts. It's that sort of acting career I really respect. I like to turn a sharp left from whatever I've done before because that keeps me awake. That's why I want to be an actor - I don't want to play endless variations on one character.

In a repressive society, a writer can be deeply influential, but in a society that's filled with glut and repetition and endless consumption, the act of terror may be the only meaningful act.

I'm really not interested in other people's opinions, because I think frankly most of those opinions are either misinformed and adding to this endless ball of hot air we have in our society where everyone thinks their opinion is valuable and sacred and what counts.

Baseball is drama with an endless run and an ever-changing cast.

I am doomed to an eternity of compulsive work. No set goal achieved satisfies. Success only breeds a new goal. The golden apple devoured has seeds. It is endless.

For what can war, but endless war, still breed?

If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.

I'm sure most of us remember being a kid and you have all of this endless time where two weeks before Christmas feels like ten years. I used to go to bed to try and go to sleep to try and make it go faster.


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